Liberty Girl: The Equalizer (Episode Six)

It's been days since the Equalizer and Megan first captured Liberty Girl and forced her to partake in their sick project.  Since then, she's been beaten up, tied up, and generally messed up in a number of ways.  Will there be any end to our poor heroine's torments?  Or will her foes profit off her humiliation for the rest of of her days?

Liberty Girl Loses #10: Liberty Girl versus MMA Woman: We join Liberty Girl in the middle of her tenth fight, this one against a tall woman in athletic gear.  It doesn't seem to be going well.

Woman: If I can beat a superheroine...

She punches Liberty Girl in the face.  She stumbles backward.

Woman: Then I can beat anyone!

She hits her again.  Liberty Girl seems stunned.

Woman: Lights out, Liberty Girl!

The woman delivers a roundhouse kick to Liberty Girl's upper body.  The impact spins LG around and down to the ground.  She lays unconscious.  The woman holds her hands up in victory.

Woman: Yes!  I did it!  Yeah!

Megan (voice over intercom): Alright lady.  She's out cold.  Your time is over.

Woman: Hold on.  Let me get a selfie.

The woman pulls out her phone and snaps a picture of herself with Liberty Girl's prone figure in the background.

Woman: Thank you for this!  Yeah!

The woman bounds off the stage, gleefully, as the guards step inside the ring.

MM: Guards.  Take Liberty Girl away.

A guard lifts Liberty Girl's unconscious form into a cradle carry and exits.  Fade to black.

Scene Two: Inside Liberty Girl's cell.  The guards are chained her hands together and her neck to the wall.  She lapses in and out of consciousness.  The guards leave and LG slumps onto her bunk.

Equalizer (voice over intercom): So how was your tenth fight, Liberty Girl?

LG: Equalizer... You must... Stop this...

EQ: I know you're tired.  Get some sleep.  When you awake, will run some tests to make sure you're still in fighting condition.

LG: You'll pay...

LG passes out onto her bunk.  The Equalizer laughs a bit.  Fade to black.

Scene Three: We see Liberty Girl's face in a resting position.  We pull back as her eyes flutter open to see that she's been strapped to a horizontal gurney.  She looks up and around.

LG: Okay.  Now where am I?

EQ: Just a routine check-up, Liberty Girl.

LG: Wow.  So you really do care.

EQ: Haha.  Now, let's not get carried away.  I just can't have you dying on us.  Yet.

The Equalizer runs his hands quickly over LG's arms and legs, squeezing in different places.  LG squirms at his touch.

LG: I don't think you've been to medical school.

EQ: No, in fact, I haven't.  But I know a thing or two about injecting pretty superheroines with drugs.

The Equalizer opens a briefcase on a side table and begins pulling out vials and syringes.  LG shakes her head.  Megan walks into the door holding LG's magic belt.

EQ: Megan.  Get that thing out of here right now!

MM: What?  She's not getting out of those straps.

EQ: I don't care!  We can't have any mistakes!

MM: But don't you wanna just taunt her a bit, with it?  Oh, Liberty Girl...

EQ: No.  I want that belt out of here.

LG: Hi Megan.  Mind coming a little bit closer so I can...

MM: This is as close as I'm getting, bitch.  And this is as close as you'll ever get to this thing, again.

EQ: Megan.  Out!

LG: Have you tried it on yet?  Not that it'll work, for you...

MM: I have.  And no, it doesn't do anything.  But we're working on that, Liberty Girl.  I've got people on it.  Scientists.  They'll get to the bottom of this belt.  And if they can't, I guess we'll have to destroy it.

LG: You can't destroy it.  It's magic.

MM: Oh really?  Will that response hold up under magic lasso interrogation?

LG: Come over here and try it, coward.

EQ: Megan!  For the love of God, get out!

MM: Okay.  Jesus.  See ya, Denise.

Megan leaves.  Equalizer steps over to Liberty Girl, syringe in hand.

EQ: Now where were we.  Ah yes.  Your health.  You seem to be in good shape.  No broken bones.  Some internal bleeding here and there.  But nothing this shot won't fix.

LG: Just because I don't have my belt, doesn't mean I'm not super.

EQ: I wouldn't go that far.  I think people are taking it easy on you.  They're nervous.  But your next opponent... She won't be nervous.

LG: And just who is my next opponent?

The Equalizer steps over and plunges the syringe into LG's arm.  LG cries out.

EQ: Hahaha.  You'll see.

Fade to black.  We now see Liberty Girl in a fighting pose across from a girl in similar star spangled attire.

Liberty Girl Loses #11: Liberty Girl versus American Babe.

LG: American Babe, don't do this.

AB: No Liberty Girl, I want the world to see this.

LG: See what?  Two superheroines duke it out?  We're supposed to be on the same side!

AB: For too long, you've been the city's number one superheroine.  That ends now.

LG: Well, I'm not number one anymore.  They've imprisoned me here.  You have to help me get out!

AB: If I defeat you, and the whole world sees it, it will be obvious who the city's true protector is.

LG: If you beat me, you'll be on the side of evil!  Don't you see?  The city won't trust you.

MM (voice over intercom): Come on, ladies.  Get to it!

LG: The city will know that you associate with villains.

AB: Wrong, Liberty Girl.  They'll see that I've taken down the greatest vigilante menace of our time: you.

LG: You can't be serious!  Listen.  American Babe.  I don't have a chance here.  They've taken away my powers.  If you don't help me get out...

AB: You've always been so cocky.  You never thought I was up to your level.  But now that you've been captured, I'm necessary to you.  No, Liberty Girl.  I'm not helping you.

LG: They'll imprison you, too!  That's what the Equalizer does!  Haven't you seen the news?

AB: Let's go.

American Babe charges Liberty Girl.  The two lock hands and grapple, trying to push each other to the floor.

AB: I can feel it, Liberty Girl.  You're just a normal woman, now.

LG: Yes!  That's what I told you!  Now help me!

AB: Nope!

American Babe pulls her hands back, bringing LG near, and headbutts LG in the forehead.  LG releases her hands and steps back, dazed.

LG: American Babe.  Stop this...

AB grabs LG by the shoulders and throws her to the floor.  As LG tries to get up, AB comes over and kicks her in the stomach, sending her on her back.

LG: Augh... No... You...

AB takes LG by the wrists and pulls her back to her feet.  She bends LG over and knees her twice in the stomach.  LG holds her belly and tries to regain her composure.

AB: You're going to admit to the world that I'm the city's greatest superheroine.

She pushes LG to the floor.  She lands on her butt, in a sitting position.  American Babe steps behind her and puts her in a chokehold.

AB: Go on!  Say it!

LG: Ugh... I can't... Breathe!


LG (wheezing): Ugh... Okay... American Babe... You are the city's... Greatest superheroine...

American Babe releases LG's head.  As LG tries to collect herself, AB pushes her to the ground.

AB: Do you see, people?  I have defeated your champion!  And she told you: I am the city's greatest superheroine!

As American Babe gloats, LG crawls at her from behind.  She grabs her by the ankles and takes her down to the floor.  The two wrestle.  Soon, LG has AB pinned to the floor, grabbing her wrists and holding them out.

LG: Listen to me!  It doesn't matter who the greatest is!  They're going to capture you and do to you what they've done to me, unless we can get out of here!

AB: They made a promise.

LG: Why would they honor it, huh?  These people are evil!

AB: I don't care, Liberty Girl!  Beating you is all I care about!

AB bucks LG off of her.  The two heroines quickly get to their feet and stare each other down.

LG: You're no superheroine.  You're just as bad as them.  You're worse.

AB: That's not what the camera sees, Liberty Girl.  They see a strong, badass supergirl who's destroying some chick who can barely fight without her powers.

LG: They see a traitor!

AB: I've had it with you.

American Babe runs at Liberty Girl and throws a punch.  LG dodges it, then tries to throw one of her own.  AB catches the punch and shoves LG in the chest.  As LG stumbles backward, AB kicks her in the stomach.  LG bounces off the ropes and back at AB, who clothesline LG, sending her to the ground.  LG hits the floor, barely conscious.

LG: Ohh...

AB places her boot on LG's stomach and assumes a victory pose.

AB: There you have it.

MM (voice on intercom): Alright, and that's it.  Guards.  Take Liberty Girl back to her cell.

Two guards step into the ring and haul off LG, one carrying her body and the other her legs.

MM: American Babe.  Well done.

AB: Thanks.  It wasn't hard, though.

MM: You know what comes next, right?

AB: No.  What?

MM: I'm going to release this knockout gas.  And we're going to put you in a cell next to Liberty Girl's.  And we're going to start a brand new channel.  American Babe Loses!

AB: What?  Bitch!  We had a deal!

MM: Should've listened to your superfriend, dearie.

Green smoke enters the ring.  American Babe coughs as she tries to exit.  She waves away the smoke feebly, then falls unconscious.

To be continued...


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