Omega Girl versus Omega House! (Part One)

In her second year as a superheroine, Omega Girl receives word that a sorority at her college, the notorious Omega Phi Omega (no relation), has been brutally hazing and maybe even brainwashing potential recruits.  One night, in her civilian garb, our heroine goes out to investigate.

It's dark.  Omega Girl, wearing jeans, boots, and a tight T-shirt, is sneaking around a lavishly decorated brick house with an "Omega Phi Omega" flag.  The sounds of young people partying emanating from glowing windows.  Omega Girl steps into a bush and tries to peer inside.

Omega Girl: Let's see.  A bunch of drunken slutty chicks dancing around pointlessly.  Nothing out of the ordinary here.

Omega Girl steps away from the window and heads toward the house's backyard.  As she creeps along the wall, two girls stumble out of a backdoor.  They are laughing and talking.

Girl one: That bitch isn't taking to the "medicine" too well, is she?

Girl two: Yeah!  What as stupid bitch!

Omega Girl hides in the bushes again.  She tries to listen in to the conversation.

Girl one: She'll come around eventually though.

Girl two: Oh, yeah, I guess.  But what a stupid bitch!

Girl one: A bit of persuasion might help.

Girl two: Let's just give her more drugs and be done with it!

Omega Girl (whispering to herself): Alright.  I've heard enough.  Time to do some work.

OG rises from the bushes and holds out her red crystal.  In a flash of light, she changes to her superheroine identity!  The two girls see the flash and stare.

Girl two: What the... fuck?

Omega Girl: Hello ladies.  Having fun tonight?

Girl one: I know you.  You're that supergirl in the student newspaper.

Omega Girl: Name's Omega Girl.  No relation to you.

Girl one: Huh.  Well why don't you just stay the fuck away from our house then, bitch?

Girl two: Yeah!

Omega Girl: Sorry ladies, but I can't do that.  I'm coming in, whether you like it or not.

OG struts confidently toward the girls and the back door.

Girl one: Shit!  We better tell Heather about this!

The two girls run inside.  Omega Girl, in no hurry, follows them in.  She finds herself in a lit hallway.  The sounds of partying continue, but there's no one around.  The girls have disappeared.  Omega Girl walks down the hallway slowly, looking for clues.

Omega Girl: Nothing out of the ordinary yet.

Omega Girl pushes open a door into a living room area.  The music is playing loud.  Red solo cups litter the floor, and the furniture is in disarray.  There are three girls and a large boy sitting on the couches.  They are laughing, probably drunk.  Omega Girl steps over to the speaker and turns the music off.

Omega Girl: Okay, party's over.

The group stares at Omega Girl, but does not move.

Girl A: Whoa, girl!  What's with that outfit?

Omega Girl: I need to know right now where you are doing recruitment.

OG walks over to them.  Two of the girls gingerly stand up.

Girl B: There's nothing going on tonight, crazy spandex girl.

Girl C: Yeah, I don't know who told you anything, but nothing is going on tonight.

Omega Girl: That's not what I heard outside.

Guy: Whoa.  She's pretty hot, isn't she?

The girls all giggle.

Guy: Pretty, you know, cocky and shit.  Pretty.  Hot.  Shit.

Omega Girl: Oh yeah, I'm hot alright...

Omega Girl lifts the guy from the couch by his shirt and throws him across the room.  He hits the floor with a crash and a howl of pain.

Omega Girl: Hot and strong.

Now all the girls are standing up.

Girl A: What the fuck was that for?  Who are you?

Omega Girl: I'm Omega Girl.  And I'm your worst nightmare unless you stop playing games and tell me where I can find those recruits.

Girl B: I'll never tell, bitch!

The girl takes a flying punch at OG.  She easily deflects it and shoves the girl to the ground, effortlessly.  The other two girls now come in.  With two quick kicks, Omega Girl dispatches of them.  The girls appear to be unconscious, but the boy in the corner is still groaning.  Omega Girl goes to him and puts him in a headlock.

Omega Girl: So tell me... Where can I find them?

Guy: Gahhh... You... Psycho... Bitch...

Omega Girl: You haven't seen psycho, bud.

She increases the pressure of the lock.  The guy starts howling in pain.

Guy: You're gonna pay... For this...

Omega Girl: So how does it feel, huh?  To be beaten by a girl?  Pretty embarrassing right?

Guy: Aughhh!  I can't... I can't breathe... Ahh... You'll find them... in the basement.  That's Heather's show... Now... Lemme...

Omega Girl: Night night.

The guy falls unconscious.  Omega Girl gets up and struts out of the room.  She's back in the hallway, now looking for stairs to the basement.  She finds some and heads down.

Omega Girl: Heather?  Heather are you down there?  We need to talk.

Omega Girl opens a door to the basement and steps inside.  As she enters, a baseball bat comes down HARD on her head.  With a cry of pain, she falls to the floor.  She clutches her head, wincing, still conscious.

Girl 1: Heather!  Heather we got her!

Girl 2: Yeah, take this, bitch!

Girl 2 kicks Omega Girl in the stomach.  It's not a hard kick, but still enough to make OG go "oof!"

The basement room is shadowy.  From out of the dark comes a tall gorgeous blonde in a skirt.  This is Heather.

Heather: Well done, girls.

Omega Girl (still in pain, on the ground): So... You must be Heather.

Heather: And you must be Omega Girl.

Omega Girl: What clued you in?  The logo on my chest?  Or the fact that I just whipped half your sorority without breaking a sweat?

Heather (laughing): Hahaha.  No, I've read about you in the paper, sweetie.  There's no mistaking the ridiculous red costume you wear.  With the little opening for your cute little belly.

Omega Girl: I'm glad you like it.

Heather: What are you doing here?

Omega Girl: Isn't it obvious?  I want to sign up... Be a sorority girl.  Be a drunken slut like you all.

Heather: Very funny.  But I'll bet you heard the rumors.  That we've been, oh, "experimenting" on girls, or whatever.

Omega Girl: Word travels.

Heather: Well, none of those rumors are true.  Omega Phi Omega can be wild... But we're not criminals.

Omega Girl: Your girls outside seemed to say different...

The two henchgirls look at each other, blushing.  Heather looks back at them with scorn.

Heather: They're freshmen.  They know not what they do.

Omega Girl: You've got a sick operation here, Heather.  I'm taking it down.

Heather: No, whore.  YOU have a sick operation.  Going around in tights, beating up college students.  You're the problem with this campus, Omega Girl.

Omega Girl: Where are the girls?

Heather: Don't change the subject!  It's you who are the criminal.  You know, I wonder how much the student newspaper would pay for your secret identity...

Omega Girl's eyes widen.

Heather: Hold her down, girls.

Girl one grabs OG's ankles and Girl one grabs OG's wrists.  They pin our struggling heroine to the ground with their body weight.  OG tries to break free, but the impact from the bat has seriously depleted her power reserve!

Omega Girl: Ugh!  You can't do this!

Heather: You should've never fucked with Omega House, bitch.  Now the whole world's gonna know who you really are.

Heather whips out her cameraphone and points it at OG's face.

Heather: Who would've thought a couple of dumb drunken sorority girls would be the ones to take down the mighty Omega Girl?

Omega Girl: No... No...

Heather bents down and takes a corner of OG's mask in her right hand.

Heather: Say cheese.

Just as Heather rips off the mask, Omega Girl frees her boot and kicks Girl one in the body!  She flies off OG and into Heather, whose phone flashes and then flies out of her hands.  OG rolls up and kicks Girl two, releasing OG's ankles.  Omega Girl stands up with one arm shielding her unmasked face.  Still groggy from the bat, and not wanting to compromise her secret identity, she dashes up the stairs and exits the sorority house.  She runs through the night, hair streaking behinds her.

Omega Girl (thinking): Not one of my best nights.  They took my mask!  But it could've been worse.  And now I know that Omega Phi Omega is worth further investigation.  Maybe going undercover will help?  Either way, Heather hasn't seen the last of Omega Girl!

She runs away.  We cut back to Heather and company in the sorority basement.  They picking themselves up off the floor, groaning.

Heather: Ugh.  That whore can kick.

Girl 1: Yeah, yeah.

Girl 2: Well, did you get her?

Heather finds her phone on the ground.  She opens up the photos to see a close up shot of Omega Girl.  But her naked face is completely obscured by OG's hair whipping across the screen.

Heather: Shit.

Girl 1: Almost got her!

Girl 2: Yeah, that's probably worth something too, right?

Heather: I doubt it.  But this might be.

Heather girl holds up Omega Girl's mask.

Heather: Not a bad little souvenir from a wild night, eh girls?

The girls laugh together.

Heather: That bitch hasn't seen the last of Omega Phi Omega.



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