Omega Girl versus Omega House! (Part Three)

Lexi's undercover investigation of the nefarious Omega Phi Omega House was interrupted by a blow-dart to the butt.  Having made it out of the sorority's first two tests with (most of) her dignity intact, what awaits Omega Girl as she journeys further into the dark...

Black.  We hear the voice of Heather...

Heather: Wake up, Lexi.

Lexi slowly opens her eyes.  She finds herself strapped spreadeagle to an almost-vertical metal slab.  In front of her stands Heather, Jared, and the two henchgirls.

Lexi (shaking her head): Ugh.  Now where am I?

Heather: You're in the basement of Omega Phi Omega, my dear.  You've passed our first two tests.  You have just one challenge left before we make our final decision.

Lexi: Oh yeah, I remember now.  I was beating the hell out of that big doofus over there.  Would've knocked him out if I hadn't been shot in the butt.

Jared: Bitch, I'll kill you...

Jared walks toward Lexi.  Heather waves him off.  Lexi smiles.

Heather: Yes, you really did a number on Jared.  He's becoming less and less useful by the day.

Jared: *grumbling*

Heather (turning around to face him): QUIT YOUR WHINING, BITCH.  You lost fair and square.  Twice.  To little girls.

Jared turns around.  Heather faces Lexi again.  She walks over to the vertical slab and puts her hand near Lexi's body.

Heather: Still wanna be part of Omega Phi Omega, Lexi?

Lexi (shaking at her bonds): Hmm... Let's see.  I've been spanked, choked, punched, and verbally abused.  I'm currently strapped to a metal table in a creepy basement.  So... Umm... Sure.

Heather (grinning): You never really wanted to be part of Omega Phi Omega, did you?

Lexi (frowns): Umm, that's not true.  Though I'm beginning to have my doubts.

Heather: You beat Jared.  That has not happened once in the history of the second test.  That's why we keep Jared around, in fact.  He is supposed to win in round two.  Not the pledges.  Not you.

Lexi: So, I proved he's a pathetic loser.  What's your point?

Heather: My point is that Jared has been beaten up, just once, before today.  And his defeat came at the hands of a spandex-clad, masked whore who calls herself Omega Girl.

Lexi: Hmm.  Never heard of her.

Heather: Omega Girl claims to be a superheroine.  The other night, she broke into our house, beat up my girls and Jared, and tried to, I don't know, arrest me or something.

Lexi: That's interesting, I guess.  Could we get to the third test now?

Heather: You just wait a minute, Lexi dear.  This Omega Girl is a real bitch.  I'd like nothing more than to see her go down.  I almost took her down the other night, in fact.  I took this from her.

Heather pulls Omega Girl's mask from her pocket.  Lexi tries to look disinterested.

Heather: Unfortunately, the photo we tried to take was too blurry.  We have Omega Girl's mask, but we don't know who she is.

Lexi: I just don't know how this is relevant at all.

Heather: Oh, but I think you do, Lexi.  Let me spell it out for you.  A superheroine named Omega Girl thinks she has some dirt on us.  She breaks into our house and destroys my bodyguard.  We take her mask and she leaves.  Hardly a week later, you show up to do a pledge.  You, who have the same height and build and hair as Omega Girl, try to get into Omega Phi Omega, but in a different way.  You end up destroying my bodyguard.  And now you claim to have no knowledge of who Omega Girl is.

Lexi: A bunch of weird coincidences, right?

Heather: Wrong, Lexi.  Or should I say... Omega Girl.

Lexi: That's not who I am, but whatever.  Do what you like.

Heather: You can deny it all you like.  I know I have you here, Omega Girl.  Tied up and helpless in my basement.  Totally at my mercy.

Lexi: This is getting kind of weird, Heather...

Heather: Just so we can end this whole "I don't know" charade right now...

Heather walks over to Lexi and holds the mask up to her face.

Heather: Jared!  Girls!  Is this bitch Omega Girl, or what?

Girl 1: Oh, most definitely.

Girl 2: Without a doubt.

Jared: I don't know.

Heather: WHAT, Jared?

Jared: I mean, this bitch is really hot.  But that other bitch... She was fucking smoking.

Heather: You were drunk, you unbelievable moron.

Jared: So she's got black hair and a great body.  That doesn't mean shit

Heather: Well, she beat the hell out you, didn't she?  Just like Omega Girl?

Jared: Nah.  Not seeing it.  Sorry, boss.

Heather: Jared, I swear to God.

Lexi: So much for proof.

Heather: Okay, so three out of four of us think you're Omega Girl.  Given that the fourth person is a total buffoon, I'd say that's pretty good.

Lexi: Come on, Heather.  Gimme a break.  You said Omega Girl was a superheroine, right?  So if I was Omega Girl, why haven't I busted out of here yet?

Heather (laughing): That's a good question, Omega Girl.  And I think I know the answer.  Right now, you don't have your powers.

Lexi: Umm... what?

Heather: Stop playing dumb!  You don't have your powers, Omega Girl.  They must be attached to that skimpy little suit you wear.  You beat Jared this time, but not without a struggle.  Because without your suit or your mask or something, you're just a normal girl.

Lexi: This is a pretty elaborate theory.  If we're not gonna do the third test, I wish you'd just let me leave.

Heather: You're definitely Omega Girl... And you definitely don't have your powers.

Heather socks Lexi in the stomach.  Lexi bends over as much as her bonds her allow, crying out in pain.

Heather: And we're definitely going to prove it.  Time to start the third test.

The two henchgirls wheel a table to the metal slab.  On it sit a bunch of vials and syringes.

Lexi (internal monologue): Shoot, I'm really in a jam here.  Heather's right.  Unless I can transform into Omega Girl, I'm screwed!  But I can't do it now without revealing my secret identity!  Come on Omega Girl, think...

Heather: This is the part where we pump you full of drugs.

Lexi: What?

Heather: This is the final stage.  This is where we do what you've probably suspected, Omega Girl: we brainwash young women and turn them into slaves for Omega Phi Omega.

Lexi: Slaves?

Heather: Yes.  Slaves.  Like my two henchgirls here.

Girl 1: Hi.

Girl 2: Hi.

Heather: They look and sound like normal girls.  But don't be fooled.  They're committed to me and Omega Phi Omega for life.

Lexi: They're... drugged?

Heather: They are psychically bound to me for as long as I live.  You're not the only one with superpowers, Omega Girl.

Lexi: This is messed up, Heather.  You can't do this!  These are just college students.  They're human beings!

Heather: Sheeple, really.  Ready to sign away four years to a dumb sorority.  Why not make it a lifetime, I say?  A whole life of service to whatever cause I determine is right.

The henchgirls are messing with the drugs on the table.  Girl 1 is dumping something into a rag.

Lexi: You've got a shit idea of what's right.

Heather (laughing): Sounding more and more like a superheroine, Omega Girl!  To tell the truth, I've been secretly hoping for someone like you for years.  It's one thing to teach the average sorority girl how to fight, how to defend me.  And it's another to have a full-on brainwashed superheroine at your side.

Girl 1 steps over to Lexi, rag in hand.

Lexi: What is that stuff?

Heather: You already know, Omega Girl.  It's chloroform!  We need you to have just a taste, right now...

Girl 1 takes the back of Lexi's head and plunges it into the rag.  Lexi mmphs a bit.  Seconds later, Girl 1 removes the rag.  Lexi gasps for air.  Her eyes are rolling, and she is in a daze.

Lexi: Ooohhh...

Heather: That's better.  Okay girls, let her loose.

The henchgirls undo the straps binding Lexi to the slab.  Lexi's wrists and ankles are free, but she still reclines against the metal.  She has some difficulty getting to her feet.  Heather comes at her with a syringe in her hand.

Heather: Now, this drug... Is a truth serum.

Heather flips around Lexi with ease, so that Lexi's stomach is now against the metal slab.  She inserts the syringe into Lexi's butt.  Lexi makes a little peep.

Heather: It'll start working in a bit.  At which point we'll learn all your secrets.

Lexi (internal monologue): Uggh... I must... Stay focused... But... I... Just... Can't... No... I... Have to... Get out... of here...

Lexi shakes off Heather and tries to make her way for a exit.  What seems like running in her head is actually a slow and clumsy jog.  The henchgirls snatch her arms and turn her around to face Heather again.

Heather:  Trying to get away?  That's not very heroic.

Lexi: You... ahh... Bitch...

Heather: Drug three is the first of many that will allow me to control your mind.  How's that strike you, Omega Girl?

Lexi: Go to hell.

Heather laughs, lifts up Lexi's shirt, and plunges a small needle into her stomach.  Lexi tries to free herself from the henchgirls' grasp but the drugs have made her weak.

Heather: Now hold her tight girls.  She's gotta swallow this one.

The henchgirls bring Lexi to her knees and wrap themselves around her.  Heather takes a cup of green liquid and forces it down Lexi's throat.  Small streams of the drug course down Lexi's neck.

Heather: That one more or less intensifies the effect of the previous three drugs.

The henchgirls release Lexi.  She falls to the floor, catching herself with her hands.  She coughs a bit.

Heather: Welcome to Omega Phi Omega, Omega Girl.  Hahaha.

Heather, the girls, and Jared laugh in unison.

Lexi (internal monologue): I have to...fight it... TRANSFORM... No... I have to... TRANSFORM... I have to transform... I won't be... I can't let her... Take over... my mind... I don't... have a choice...

Lexi gets to her feet, slowly and groggily.  Her foes all stare at her to see what will happen next.

Lexi: Well... Y'all wanted... Omega Girl...

Lexi pulls her crystal out.  In a flash of light, she has transformed into Omega Girl.  She tries to strike a confident hands-on-hips pose but can't quite do it.

Omega Girl: You got it.

Heather (laughing): Ha!  I think the drugs are working, everybody.

Omega Girl: The drugs... Are... They won't stop me... From beating you...

Heather: I suggested via mental link that you transform into Omega Girl, sweetie.  You're already under my control.  You just don't know it yet.  You never will.

Omega Girl: That's... Not true...

Omega Girl raise her fists into a fighting pose.  She stumbles slightly.

Jared: So.  Wait.  That bitch... Was Omega Girl?

Heather: Of course she is, you blithering idiot!

Jared: But didn't you say Omega Girl had, like, superpowers?

Heather: She does, Jared.  But she's not quite as powerful as she thinks, right now.  The drugs are working.

Omega Girl: I'm... I'll show you, Heather.

Jared: Could I please, pretty please, show this bitch what's up?

Heather: Be my guest.

Jared steps up to Omega Girl.

Omega Girl: Ready for more pain, you big, dumb...

Jared: Not this time, bitch.

With lightning speed, Jared raises a hand and slaps Omega Girl across the face.  The impact puts Omega Girl on the ground.

Omega Girl: Ohh... ahh...

Jared: Get up, Omega Girl.

Jared grabs Omega Girl's hair and lifts her, wincing, to her feet.  Still holding onto her hair, Jared delivers to quick punches to her stomach.

Girl 1: Wow!  She really is weak!

Girl 2: Heather!  Can we get in on this!

Heather: Jared!  Let her go!  Let the girls have a chance.

Jared, just about to strike Omega Girl again, releases her hair.  Omega Girl crumples to the floor.

Jared: Sure, boss.  Yeah, she's so weak right now, it's hardly even fun.

Girl 1: We'll be the judge of that!

The girls skip over to Omega Girl.  Omega Girl tries to lift herself off the ground.

Omega Girl (internal monologue): Augh.  Heather's drugs... They've really... Not even Omega Girl can beat these... I just... Can't... This is not good...

Girl 1 shoves the struggling Omega Girl back to the ground.

Girl 1: Weak bitch!

Girl 2: Nothing bitch!

The girls take turns kicking Omega Girl's prone form.  Omega Girl tenses up with each blow.  The girls stop and Omega Girl lays there, breathing heavily and motionless.

Girl 1:  See!  Normal girls are strong, too, you cocky bitch!

Girl 1 takes Omega Girl by the wrists and lifts her to her feet.  Girl 2 comes from behind Omega Girl and pins her arms behind her back.  Omega Girl struggles helplessly in her grasp.  Girl 1 now takes some shots at Omega Girl's exposed stomach.  Girl 2 lets go of OG's arms and shoves her into the arms of Girl 1.  Girl 1 now locks up Omega Girl and Girl 2 has a chance with the punches.

Girl 2: I'll give her this... The bitch can take a punch.

Girl 1: Even if she hasn't thrown one!

Girl 1 releases Omega Girl, and Omega Girl again falls to the floor.  As she looks up, Girl 2 comes over and delivers a hard kick to the chin.  Omega Girl falls backward and lies on the floor, unconscious.

Girl 2: Yeah!  K-O!

Girl 1: That was awesome.

The baddies admire Omega Girl's limp form.

Jared: You know, I kinda can't believe she beat me before.

Girl 1: Yeah, you're so weak!

Girl 2: Boss, do you really think it's worth it, to brainwash this one?  She's got a lot of bark, but no bite...

Heather: You idiots.  If I had given you the drugs I just gave "Lexi Stone," your eyeballs would explode.  Those drugs could've taken down a pack of elephants.  Omega Girl is a tough cookie.  The poor little thing's just had a rough day, that's all.

They laugh together.

Heather: Now, let's strap her to that slab again and continue with the drugs, shall we?



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