Omega Girl versus Omega House! (Alternate Ending, Part Two)

Heather has won.  After reducing Omega Girl to a sniveling, frightened mess, the vile president of Omega Phi Omega was able to take over our heroine's mind and add her to the sorority's collection of brainwashed girl slaves.  What plans does Heather have for her new super-powered servant?  And is there any way Omega Girl can break her psychic chains and defeat her nemesis?

It is night.  We see an old man trying to unlock his car.  It's the university president, Dr. Rector.  He hears a noise.  He looks up and sees a young girl in an alluring red outfit, hands on her hips, staring at him.

Rector: May I help you, miss?

Omega Girl: Give me your money.
Rector: What?

Omega Girl: I am Omega Girl.  I am a superheroine.  Give me your money, or else.

Rector: What is this?  Some kind of a weird prank?

Omega Girl: You asked for it.

Omega Girl dashes over to Dr. Rector and punches him in the stomach.  Rector doubles over and Omega Girl shoves him to the ground.  A couple of kicks later and he is unconscious.  Omega Girl roots through his pockets, finds a wallet full of cash, and runs away into the night.

One day later.  We join Heather and Jared.  They're on the sorority couch watching TV news.

Voice of Newscaster: According to Dr. Rector, he was attacked by a young white woman in a red outfit, a woman believed by authorities to be the superheroine Omega Girl.

Jared: Shit.  So he saw her.

Heather: Goddammit.  Hey Omega Phi Omega Girl!  Get in here.

Omega Girl arrives.  She's wearing a maid costume over her superheroine outfit, and carries a duster.

Heather: Is the common room spotless yet?

Omega Girl: I am 90% finished.

Heather: Good.  Now.  That money you stole from Dr. Rector last night.  Did he see you when you attacked him?

Omega Girl: Yes.

Heather: Dammit!  Are you kidding me?

Omega Girl: No.

Heather: What did I tell you, Omega Girl?  You can't be seen.  We can't draw any unwanted attention to the sorority.  People will begin connecting the dots.

Omega Girl: I'm sorry.

Heather: You better be, slave.  Now get back to work.

Omega Girl leaves.

Jared: Why is she wearing the maid outfit, again?

Heather: Because she's cleaning, that's why.  And because she's a loyal servant, that's why.

Jared: You know, I kind miss the old Omega Girl.

Heather: What???

Jared: This new one is just too docile.  She's not interesting.

Heather: No, Jared.  Omega Girl is doing robberies for us every other night.  She is very, very interesting.

Jared: If you say so.

Heather: I'm gonna ask her to bump off a whole bank tonight.  That interesting enough for you?

Jared: Okay.  But...

Heather: We need this money.  We need it for more drugs.  More drugs means Omega Girl under my spell forever.  And more drugs means more slaves.  More slaves means better plans.

Jared: Okay.

Heather: Why don't you help her clean, you lazy bastard?

Jared: Okay.

Jared leaves.  Heather sits on the couch and continues to watch TV.

Heather: Omega Girl!  Get back in here!  Time to go over tonight's plan!

Later that night, we see the town bank lit up.  Omega Girl's silhouette creeps around the building.  She enters the light of a streetlamp.  Suddenly, another figure appears.  A man dressed in a mask and green spandex.

Epsilon Man: Omega Girl!  I haven't seen you in weeks!  Where have you been?

Omega Girl: Leave me alone, stranger.

Epsilon: What?  I'm Epsilon Man.  Your superhero friend?

Omega Girl: Out of my way.

Omega Girl tries to push through Epsilon Man.  Epsilon grabs her by the wrist.

Epsilon: What's going on, Omega Girl.  Where are you going?

Omega Girl: I'm robbing this bank.

Epsilon: Haha, very funny.

Omega Girl: Get off of me!

Omega Girl shakes of Epsilon's hand.  She keeps walking, Epsilon following her.

Epsilon: I don't know what's going on here, Omega Girl.  Are you okay?

Omega Girl turns around.

Omega Girl: Leave me alone, or you'll be sorry.

Epsilon: Is is true?  Did you really rob Dr. Rector?

Omega Girl: I've had enough of you.

Omega Girl marches toward Epsilon Man.  Epsilon is not expecting it when Omega Girl punches him across the face.  Epsilon steps backward, holding his cheek.

Epsilon: What...

Omega Girl delivers another punch to Epsilon's head.  Epsilon spins around, dazed.  Omega Girl kicks him in the back-- he goes flying into some trash cans.

Omega Girl: Now get out of here so I can complete my mission.

Epsilon stands up.  He shakes himself off and stares at Omega Girl.

Epsilon: Mission?  Are you under mind control?

A flash in Omega Girl's eye.  Omega Girl holds her head and winces.

Omega Girl: I'm... fine... Just leave me alone.

Epsilon: I'm not doing that, Omega Girl.  You're coming back to my place until you feel better.

Omega Girl: I'm fine!

Omega Girl charges Epsilon.  This time, he avoids the punches.  He knees Omega Girl in the stomach.  He then wraps Omega Girl in a bearhug and pulls her close.

Epsilon: Sorry about this.

Epsilon spins the struggling Omega Girl around.  He releases Omega Girl and she falls to her knees.  As she's getting up, Epsilon waves his hand in front of her eyes.

Epsilon: Now sleep.

In a flash, Omega Girl is out.  She tumbles backward onto the ground.  Epsilon admires her unconscious figure.

Epsilon: She's always been a feisty one.  But she's never punched me in the face before.  Something's wrong here.  Better take her back to my place and get to the bottom of it.

Epsilon picks Omega Girl up into a cradle carry and runs with her down the street.

Omega Girl wakes up and finds herself strapped into a metal chair.  Steel cuffs hold her wrists and ankles to the device.  She gives the bonds the customary tug but they won't budge.  Epsilon stands in front of her, looking on.

Epsilon: Sorry about the chair, Omega Girl.  I just can't have you punch me in the face again.

Omega Girl: Let me go, stranger!  Let me go so I can complete my mission!

Epsilon: What mission?

Omega Girl: I cannot say.

Epsilon: You can't say?  Why not?  Is someone stopping you from talking?

Omega Girl's eyes flash again.  More pain in her head.  She knocks the back of her head against the chair, trying to find her bearings.

Epsilon: You've been brainwashed.  I took a look at your current body chemistry.  You've got an extraordinarily high level of some really toxic stuff.

Omega Girl: I don't care!  Just let me... Do... My mission.

Epsilon: I'm running a purifying bath for you right now.  A couple hours in that and all the bad stuff will come right out.

Omega Girl: No!  No bath!  No time!

Omega Girl shakes wildly.

Epsilon: We'll talk more after you've had a good soak.  For now... Sleep.

Epsilon waves his hand in front of Omega Girl's eyes.  Once more, she passes out.  Epsilon uncuffs Omega Girl's wrists and ankles and rolls her on the floor.  Slowly, he unzips her boots and peels off her stockings.  He then removes her gloves.

Epsilon: Maybe the whole suit?

He stares at Omega Girl lying limp on his floor.  The picture of hotness.

Epsilon: Better not.  However...

Epsilon lifts up Omega Girl's head and grabs a corner of her mask.

Epsilon: I just gotta know...

Epsilon slowly removes Omega Girl's mask.  He gives her face a long look.

Epsilon: I know you.  You were in one of my classes.  Lexi Stone.  Wow.  Would've never guessed that.  Though I guess you... She... Whatever, both of you... Are pretty attractive.

Epsilon cradle carries Omega Girl and brings her into the bathroom.  The bathtub is filled to the brim with lueish water.  Epsilon carefully sets Omega Girl into the liquid, leaving her head and neck out, and steps back.

Epsilon: A couple hours in that, and you'll be good as new.

We fade to black on the unconscious Omega Girl's face.

Hours later.  Omega Girl's eyes open.  She looks down and around at her surroundings.

Omega Girl: I'm... In the bath?

She feels her costume, but notices her boots and gloves are gone.  She reaches up to her face and doesn't feel her mask.

Omega Girl: Uh oh.

Omega Girl gets out of the tub and looks at the blueish water.  She sees a towel and begins drying off.  She looks at her face in the mirror.

Omega Girl: Wow, girl.  What happened to you?

A still wet Omega Girl opens the door and leaves the bathroom.  She sees Epsilon Man sitting at the kitchen table, reading a book.

Omega Girl: Epsilon?

Epsilon Man looks up at her.  He smiles.

Epsilon: Glad you recognize me, Omega Girl.

Omega Girl: What am I doing in your apartment?  We didn't...

Epsilon: Sleep together?  Sadly, no.

Omega Girl: But you unmasked me.

Epsilon: I did.

Omega Girl: Well, I wish you hadn't done that.

Epsilon: Don't worry, Lexi Stone.  Your secret is safe with me.  Scout's honor.

Omega Girl: Why should I trust you?

Epsilon: Because I just saved your life.  You were under some kind of mind control.  Brainwashed.  Ring any bells?

Omega Girl has a flashback.  She sees herself chained in the basement of Omega Phi Omega.  Injected with drugs.  Beaten down.  Robbing strangers.  She finally sees an image of Heather's laughing face.

Omega Girl: Ugh... I...

Omega Girl suddenly feels weak.  She plops on the couch and puts her head in her hands.  Epsilon moves over to the couch.

Omega Girl: What have I done?

Epsilon: Well, last night, you tried to rob a bank, I think.  The night before, you robbed the university president.  You've been making rounds.

Omega Girl: No.  It can't be.

Epsilon: I'm sorry but it's true.  Whoever did this to you did it good.  You were not yourself.  You tried to beat the shit out of me.

Omega Girl: I tried to beat you up?

Epsilon: Yeah.  So I knocked you out and put you in the tub.  Got the toxins out of you.

Omega Girl: Umm... thanks.

Epsilon: Mind telling me who did this to you?  So I can pay them a little visit?

Omega Girl: It's the sorority.  Omega Phi Omega.  They're turning girls into slaves.  They captured me and drugged me.

Epsilon: Shit.

Omega Girl: Yeah.  Their president is a girl named Heather.  Real cold-hearted bitch.  She's got a video of me unmasked.

Epsilon: That's no good.

Omega Girl: No, it isn't.  She's not as trustworthy as you.

Epsilon: I'll go there right now and teach her a lesson.

Omega Girl: No, Epsilon.  This is my fight.  I started it, and I'm going to finish it.

Epsilon: You're not in any condition to fight.  You've got to rest.  I'm make you breakfast.

Omega Girl: Give me my mask.

Epsilon: Sigh.  Fine.

Epsilon hands Omega Girl her mask.  She puts it on.

Omega Girl: Umm... I'm gonna need my boots and gloves, too.

Epsilon slides Omega Girl's clothes over.  Omega Girl stands up and suits up.  She puts her hands on her hips.

Omega Girl: That's better.

Epsilon: Be careful out there, Omega Girl.  This sorority... They sound really tough.

Omega Girl: Those bitches won't know what hit 'em.



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