Omega Girl versus Omega House! (Alternate Ending, Part Three)

Thanks to the intervention of a superhero friend, Omega Girl has regained control of her mind and powers.  Eager for payback, she approaches Omega Phi Omega House for the final showdown with her new arch-rival, Heather.

Omega Girl kicks in the door.  She wanders into Omega House to find the two henchgirls sitting around.

Omega Girl: Morning, ladies.

Girl 1: Omega Phi Omega Girl!  Hey, what's up?

Omega Girl: It's just Omega Girl.

Girl 2: Umm, okay.  Hey, Heather's been looking for you.  She was worried you'd gone rogue.

Omega Girl: I'm feeling better than I've ever been.

Girl 2: That's good.  Did you rob that bank last night?

Omega Girl: Nope.

Girl 2: No?

Girl 1: What do you mean "nope"?

Omega Girl: I had a change of heart.

Girl 1: Change?

Omega Girl: Allow me to explain...

Omega Girl steps over to Girl 1, lifts her by the shirt and throws her to the other side of the room.

Girl 2: Hey!  What the hell?

Omega Girl punches Girl 2 in the face.  She falls to the ground, gasping.

Girl 2: You... But...

Omega Girl lifts Girl 2 up by the shirt.

Omega Girl: Where's Heather?

Girl 2: Gah, fuck off, bitch.

Omega Girl: Fine.  Have it your way.

Omega Girl punches her again.  Girl 2 falls unconscious.  Omega Girl wipes off her hands and struts confidently through the hallways of Omega Phi Omega.  She finds the stairs to the basement and enters.  As she's about take the final step, she takes a look around to make sure no bats don't end up hitting her in the head.

Omega Girl: Coast is clear.

Jared: Omega Phi Omega Girl!  You're back!

Jared walks out of the shadows.

Omega Girl: Jared.  Ready for another go?

Jared: Another go at what?

With lightning speed, Omega Girl uppercuts Jared.  He stumbles backward.  Omega Girl jumps on him and brings him to the floor.  She presses her wrist down on Jared's throat and pushes hard.

Jared: Hey... What's... The big idea... You're on our side now...

Omega Girl: Not anymore, Jared.  I just don't think your dumb sorority is for me.

Jared: But... How...

Omega Girl socks Jared in the face.  Jared loses consciousness.  Omega Girl gets back on her feet.

Omega Girl: Three and one, idiot.  Catch you later.

Omega Girl weaves her way through the dark basement.  She doesn't remember ever actually walking through here... It seems like every time she passed through this place, she was out cold...

Omega Girl (internal monologue): Where is she?  She can't have gone far...

Omega Girl sees a mysterious door.  She opens it and enters the room with the metal slab, the site of her torture.  As Omega Girl crosses the threshold, a jolt of electricity shoots through her body.  She cries out, then falls forward into the room, onto her hands and knees.

Heather: Still a sucker for the traps, I see.

Heather emerges from the dark.  She has a gun in one hand and her phone in the other.

Heather: I electrified the floor in front of this door.  Figured you'd have to come through to get me sometime...

Omega Girl: Coward.  You never fight fair.

Heather: I do the best I can, honey.  Now tell me: just how did you escape the clutches of my drugs?

Omega Girl: I had a little help from a friend.

Heather: Oh really.  Was it that Epsilon Man guy?  I should have him over sometime for a drink.

Omega Girl slowly gets to her feet.  She assumes a fighting pose.

Heather: You know, Omega Girl, I'm starting to think you're more trouble than you're worth.

Omega Girl: I think you're right.

Omega Girl steps toward Heather.  Heather raises her gun and phone.

Heather: Ah, ah, ah... Not so fast, bitch.  You take one more step, and I'll release your secret identity to the world.  Along with that wonderful audio clip we made together back when you weren't quite so cocky.

Omega Girl freezes.  She drops her fists to her side.

Omega Girl: Don't do it, Heather.

Heather: You got your powers back, but I still have your secrets.

Omega Girl: And I have yours.  I've already told Epsilon Man about your sick operation.  Once I get out of here, I'm going to tell everyone else.

Heather: They'll never believe you, Omega Girl.  Besides, you don't have video proof of anything.  I do.  I have a nice clip of me peeling your mask off your pretty little face, Lexi Stone.

Omega Girl: My name is Omega Girl.

Heather: Sigh.  Whatever, LEXI.  Now, if you'll kindly walk over to your favorite metal table.  We'll tie you up and give this drug regimen one more go.

Omega Girl doesn't move.  Heather waves the gun at her.

Heather: Come on, bitch, MOVE!  Move or I'll blow your goddamned head off!

Omega Girl walks slowly to the table, her eyes never leaving Heather's.

Heather: Now.  Get on it.

Omega Girl sits on the table.

Heather: Put your hands in the air.

Omega Girl lifts her hands up.

Heather: Now... Lay back on the table.  Slowly.

Omega Girl slips her boots onto the table and gradually reclines backward until she is lying down in a spreadeagle position.

Omega Girl: So you really want to do this again, huh?

Heather: Yes I do.  I loved having you as my personal pet.  I loved all the money you were able to collect for us.  And most of all, I loved knowing I had beaten you.

Omega Girl: And yet, here I am.  Not your puppet.

Heather: Here you are.  Consider it a temporary lapse.  Honestly, I don't know why you came back.  I figured you'd be too scared to ever show up on campus again.

Omega Girl: It takes more than a couple of drugs to frighten me.

Heather: You say that now.  Now where are my girls at...

Omega Girl: They're upstairs.  Knocked out.

Heather: God dammit.  Jared, too?

Omega Girl: Yep.

Heather: Shit.

Omega Girl: If you wanna tie me up, you're gonna have to grow a pair and do it yourself.

Heather: Is that a challenge?

Omega Girl: Come on, Heather.  You can do it.  You've beaten me before, right?

Heather: Alright, bitch.  I'll do it.  I'll show you.

Heather steps over to Omega Girl's boots, preparing to chain them together.

Heather: I've got my hand on the button right now, Omega Girl.  Any funny stuff, and the whole world knows about Lexi Stone.

Omega Girl: Just get this over with.

Heather drops her gun on the table and tries wrapping up Omega Girl's legs in chains.  She has the phone tight in her grip.  Omega Girl watches her, smiling.

Omega Girl: Is everything okay down there?

Heather: Shit.  Fucking chains.

Omega Girl: Kinda hard to do it with one hand?

Heather: Shut up!  You won't be laughing soon.

Omega Girl: Maybe putting the phone down will help?

Heather: I'm starting to think I should just hit this button right now so you'll shut the fuck up.

Omega Girl: Just a suggestion.

Omega Girl's ankles are chained up, loosely but densely.  Heather now moves to her Omega Girl's wrists.

Omega Girl: Maybe you want to depower me a bit before you go for my hands?

Heather: I don't need your help, bitch.

Omega Girl: I'm just saying.  I'm really fast.  You could be trying to tie me up and boom, I have your phone.

Heather: So you want me to look for some drugs and give you the chance to get a drop on me?  No thanks, Omega Girl.  I'll take my chances.

Omega Girl: Suit yourself.

Heather quickly wraps up one of Omega Girl's wrists in chains.  She holds the phone as far as she can from Omega Girl.

Heather: There!  Wasn't so hard.

Omega Girl: Well done.  Just one more and I'm totally helpless again.

Heather: You're already helpless.  Now hold still.

Heather reaches down for Omega Girl's right wrist.  Omega Girl's hand shoots up and grabs Heather by the throat.

Heather: Ack!  Wha?

Omega Girl: I tried to warn you.

Omega Girl bashes Heather's face on the metal slab.  Heather's phone flies out of her hand.  Omega Girl tenses up, and seconds later she has exploded out of her chains.  She kicks the gun to the other side of the room.  Heather is on her knees, clutching her face.

Heather: Fuck, fuck, fuck.

Omega Girl walks over to Heather's phone and steps on it.  It explodes into pieces.

Heather: You... tricked me...

Omega Girl: I do the best I can, honey.  And now, I'm taking you and your henchgirls and Jared to jail.

Heather: You won't!  You can't!  I know who you really are!

Omega Girl: You can't threaten me, Heather.  Your evidence is gone.  There's no way mild-mannered college student Lexi Stone is Omega Girl.  That's just plain ridiculous.

Heather: Gahh... I'll get you for this.

Omega Girl: You know, this might actually be a good headquarters.  For Omega Girl.

Heather: What?

Omega Girl: Yeah.  Omega House.  We can drop the Phi Omega.  A superhero training facility, or something.

Heather: Ugh.  Don't make me puke.

Omega Girl: Thanks for the adventure, Heather.

Heather.  Sigh.



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