Omega Girl versus Omega House! (Alternate Ending, Part One)

Would would've happened to Omega Girl if she had not been able to free herself from Heather's cruel chains? 

Omega Girl (internal monologue): Augh... I can't take much more of this... I have to try to break free... It's now or never...

Heather: You're already starting to crack, Omega Girl.  I can feel it.

Omega Girl: You're... wrong!

Omega Girl uses every last ounce of strength against her chains... But they won't budge!  She twists and turns against her bonds.  Heather laughs at her struggling captive.

Heather: Aww... poor little heroine.  Are my chains a just a widdle too tough?

Omega Girl (internal monologue): Shoot.  That was everything I had left.  This is not good.

Heather: Looks like your last ditch effort... Went into a ditch.  Now SCREAM for me.

Heather applies the shock pads to Omega Girl.  With her super-strength depleted, the impact is severe.  Omega Girl shakes her chains wildly, trying desperately to get away.  Her cries of pain get louder and louder.  After a seemingly interminable length of time, Heather lifts the pads.  The smoking body of Omega Girl lies nearly motionless on the slab.  The pain and humiliation puts her on the verge of tears.  Heather brushes Omega Girl's hair away and strokes her face.

Heather: Hahaha.  There there, sweetie.  This will all be over soon enough.

Heather socks Omega Girl in the stomach.  Omega Girl wheezes in pain.

Heather: I'd say you're at the power level of a pathetic, scared, NORMAL college student now.

Omega Girl can barely speak.  She cannot remember ever feeling this kind of pain.

Heather: Which means we can start dosing you up and putting you under my control, you know, forever.

Omega Girl: Heather... Please... Don't...

Heather: Please?  PLEASE?  Really Omega Girl?  You think "please" is going to save you?  "Oh pretty pretty please with a cherry on top, Heather."

Omega Girl: You... Can't... Do... This...

Heather: Like you would ever, ever spare me if the tables were turned.

Omega Girl: Look... Inside... Yourself...

Heather: I'll tell you what.  I'll let you go, Omega Girl.  On one condition.

Heather takes Omega Girl by the chin and has her look into her eyes.

Heather: If you tell me, right now, that I've beaten you.  That a dumb sorority girl has conquered the mighty Omega Girl.  That you're weak and dumb and not worthy of the word "superheroine."  That you will forever be in my debt for showing you the true depths of your incompetence.

Omega Girl: Ughh... Oh... Okay...

Heather: Hahaha.  Alright then!  Say it!

Omega Girl: You've... Ugh... Beaten me...

Heather: Yes.  Louder.

Omega Girl: A dumb... sorority girl... Has conquered... the mighty... Ugh... Omega Girl...

Heather: Yes, good, good.  Continue.

Omega Girl: I'm weak.  And dumb... And... Not... Worthy...

Heather: Worthy of what?

Omega Girl: Of the word... superheroine.

Heather: Nice!  And... Finally...

Omega Girl: You've showed me... The true... Depths... Of my... Ugh... Incompetence.

Omega Girl turns away from Heather, red-faced and ashamed.  Heather laughs hysterically.

Heather: Wow.  You believe all that?  Wow.

Omega Girl: Okay... I said... Your piece... Now let... Me go...

Heather: Would you believe I just recorded all that on my phone?

Omega Girl: Ugh... No...

Heather: Can't wait till the media gets hold of that one!

Omega Girl: Heather... We... had... a deal...

Heather: Oh.  Right.  I'm supposed to let you go now.

Omega Girl: Yes...

Heather: You know what?  Nahhhhh.

Omega Girl: But...

Heather: You're just too much fun, Omega Girl.  I can't stop now!

Heather grabs the pads and give Omega Girl a quick buzz to the stomach.  Omega Girl howls in pain.

Heather: You're so gullible.  You're so... inadequate.  As a superheroine.  But when you're strong, you are very strong.  So.

Heather brings a small vial of purple liquid to Omega Girl's face.  She lifts Omega Girl's head and forces her to drink it.

Heather: Just drink it.  Come on, let's go.

As Omega Girl swallows the substance her eyelids flutter.  Seconds later, she passes out.  The screen fades to black.

We now see a grainy, gritty montage of Omega Girl's tortures.  We see her chained to the table.  Receiving injections.  Swallowing more liquids.  Getting shocked again.  We see her tied to a chair.  In a room full of gas.  Being carried over the shoulder.  We hear the sounds of her pain, and the sound of Heather's laughter.  Over the images there is a gradual progression... We first hear Omega Girl whispering "I must fight it"... Then her crying out "I can't fight it!"... And finally her plaintively intoning... "Yes master."  The screen fades to black again.

We're in Omega Phi Omega House, on the first floor.  Heather stands at a podium.  In front of her sit rows of girls, including the henchgirls.

Heather: Welcome, girls, welcome!  You all might remember how a couple of weeks ago, our sorority was attacked by a red spandex-clad, masked menace named Omega Girl.

The girls boo and hiss.  Heather smiles and holds up a hand.

Heather: Now, now.  Today I am pleased to tell you that this same superheroine has had a change of heart.  Ladies, I'd like to introduce to you... The newest member of Omega Phi Omega... Omega Girl!

A stiff, wide-eyed Omega Girl (once again in possession of her mask) enters the room to applause.  Heather gives her a hug.  She stares into Omega Girl's eyes, grinning.

Heather: Now, Omega Girl.  Is there anything you'd like to say to your new family?

Omega Girl (somewhat robotically): Yes, Heather.  It is indeed my pleasure to become part of Omega Phi Omega.  In fact, I've even decided to change my name to Omega Phi Omega Girl.

The girls cheer loudly.

Omega Girl: Ha.  Ha.  Thank you.  I will be at your service until the end of time.

Everyone claps.  Omega Girl stares blankly into space.  The camera zooms in on her empty face...



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