Liberty Girl: The Equalizer (Episode Five)

Despite being beaten, tied up, and almost forced by way of her own magic lasso to reveal her secret identity to the world, Liberty Girl has managed to survive the first segment of "Liberty Girl Loses" with her dignity (mostly) intact.  Unfortunately for our heroine, there are many more installments to come...

Scene One: Liberty Girl, once again chained up and in her cell, tries to sleep on the hard bunk.  But there's this loud voice on the intercom...

The Equalizer: Wake up, Liberty Girl!  Wake up!

Liberty Girl, groggily moves to a seated position.

Liberty Girl: Ugh.  I'm awake.

EQ: Good.  Your next fight will start very shortly.

LG: Next fight?  But I just got done with the last one...

EQ: No one likes a whiner, Liberty Girl.

LG: Yeah, and no one likes a lopsided fight, either.

EQ: That's not entirely true.

LG: I need sleep, Equalizer.  And you have to give me food at some point, too.  You can't have your star wither away.

EQ: You don't get a say in the matter.  And remember.  The website isn't called "Liberty Girl Fights."  It's called "Liberty Girl Loses."

LG: I'm aware of that, idiot.

EQ: Has the hopelessness of your situation dawned on you yet?  You can't break free, Liberty Girl.  You are stuck here, with us, until you die.  Or until we get tired of the project and kill you.

LG: We'll see about that.

EQ: There's just no escape.  We have your belt.  We have your rope.  We have your greatest secret, Denise Kingston.  You are completely powerless now.

LG: I've been in worse situations before...

EQ: No.  I don't believe you have.  Now, onto the next fight.  Guards!

The guards enter the cell and begin unchaining Liberty Girl.  Fade to black.

Liberty Girl Loses #2: LG versus the Frat Boys

We fade in as the guards unchain Liberty Girl.  They step away.  LG stands in an empty ring.

Guard One: Oh yeah.  I forgot.  You're supposed to do a costume change.

LG: Costume change?

Guard One: Yeah.  The customers want to see you in your civilian clothes.

LG: Oh come on.  Really?

Guard One: Put these on.

The guard throws a wad of clothes at Liberty Girl-- blue jeans, black boots, black shirt.  She stares at them.

LG: I'm not changing my clothes.

Guard One: You will, or I'll do it for you.

LG (grumbling): Is the camera on?

Guard One: I don't know.  Now do it.

Liberty Girl quickly takes off her boots, top and bottoms and puts on the civilian clothes, which fit her perfectly.

Megan (voice over intercom): Looking stunning, Liberty Girl.

LG: Megan!  Was that on camera?

MM: Maybe it was.  Maybe it would make a great bonus feature for our long-standing customers.

LG: You all sicken me.

MM: Okay then, let's get our newest fighters out here!

Two young men in loose fitting clothing wander into the ring.

MM: Ladies and gentlemen, this is Liberty Girl Loses #2.  Our contestants: two frat boys from Middleroad College!  They've decided not to reveal their names.  Boys, how are you doing?  Ready to fight?

Frat Boy 1: Oh yeah.  We're fucking ready.

Frat Boy 2: Time for some payback.

LG: Middleroad College?  Why do I know that name...

MM: Liberty Girl... Ready to get your ass beat?

LG: By these two little boys?  Highly doubtful.

MM: Alright then... Ready... Set... Fight!

FB1: You're gonna pay, Liberty Girl.

LG: Pay for what?  I don't even know you.

FB2: You shut down our frat house, bitch.

LG: What?

FB2: Yeah.  A year ago.  You strut your little cocky ass into our house and shut down our operation entirely.

LG: Oh, now I remember.  You perverts were trying to set up some white slavery ring.

FB1: We almost added you to our collection, too.  Remember that?

LG: What?

FB1: You were undercover or some shit, wearing the same sort of clothes you are now.  You definitely looked older than 20 but we didn't care, you were hot as hell.

LG: That's right.  I infiltrated your little ceremony...

FB2: But we caught you and knocked you out and tied you up.

LG: I intentionally got caught.

FB1: Haha, I fucking doubt it!  You were pretty scared.  We stripped you to your bra and panties and were about to really have some fun...

LG: All an act, boys.  All an act.

FB2: But then somehow you got free, turned into Liberty Girl, and beat us all up.

LG: Yes.  I remember that vividly.  You guys were terrified.

FB1: Well, tonight we're turning back the clock, bitch.  And this time, you're not getting away from us.

LG: Oh yeah?  And what makes you think this time will be any different from the last?

FB1: I think you know.

FB2: We've been assured that your powers are gone.

FB1: Which means no fucking funny stuff, this time.

LG: Well, come on and get me, boys.  You're wasting time.

FB1: Let's get her, bro!

The grinning frat boys walk toward Liberty Girl.  Liberty Girl holds a fighting pose and waits for the first move.  Frat Boy 1 moves around toward her back.  LG eyes both men suspiciously, turning around and back, trying to see what their plan is.

FB2: She looks as good as that day we almost had her.

FB1: Yeah, only this time, we will have her.

LG: Smart of you guys to not reveal your names.  Because I'm sure no one in the world is gonna recognize your faces when they appear all over the internet.

FB2: What?

LG: What you're doing right now is criminal.  The cops will see this video, and they'll arrest you.

FB1: No, bitch, you're wrong.

FB2: My dad could bail me out, anyway.

LG: Well, think about the other consequences.  You think you'd get any more dates if word got out you paid money to beat up Liberty Girl?

FB1: You'd be surprised at the chicks we score, haha.

FB2: Yeah, it's not gonna matter what we do to you.

Suddenly, Frat Boy 1 springs at LG.  He picks her up from behind in a bearhug and swings her around.  LG tries to break free, twisting her forearms wildly, kicking.  Frat Boy 2 grabs at LG's black boots and eventually takes hold of them.  

FB1: Looks like we've got you.

LG: Ugh!  Get off of me you slimy douchebags!

FB2: She's definitely not as powerful as Liberty Girl, uh, was.

FB1: Yeah bro.  This is too good to be true.  Now... I wonder what a superheroine... Tastes like...

Frat Boy 1 sticks out his tongue and puts in within inches of LG's cheek.  Thoroughly repulsed. LG finds a bit of strength and elbows him in the stomach.  Frat Boy 1 recoils, dropping LG to the ground with a thud.  Frat Boy 2 still holds her by the ankles.

LG: Oof...

Frat Boy 1 catches his breath.

FB1: Still got a bit of fight in her.  We gotta soften her up.

He steps over to Liberty Girl and kicks her in the side.  LG cries out in pain and holds her torso.

FB2: Good idea, bro!

Frat Boy 2 releases LG's ankles and gets to his knees.  He lifts a fist and brings it down on LG's stomach.  LG cries out.

FB2: Guess you know how it feels now, bitch!

FB1: Come on.  Pick her up.

Frat Boy 2 picks LG up by her armpits and holds her in place.  Frat Boy 1 holds LG by the chin and looks into her eyes.

FB1: You had so much fun beating us up that night.  Well now, it's our turn.

The boys laugh together.  LG tries to find her bearings.

FB2: Where's the witty retort, Liberty Girl?

Frat Boy 1 drops her chin.  She turns away.  FB1 rabbit punches her in the boob.  He delivers a hook to her belly.  He slaps her across the face.  LG is slowly losing her will to fight... She slumps back into Frat Boy 2's arms.

FB2: You think she's soft enough?

FB1: Yeah.  But still conscious.  Which is perfect.  I want her to be awake for this part.

Frat Boy 1 reaches around LG's waist and grabs her butt.  He massages in slowly for a few seconds, and then brings his hands back around to the front.  He gradually undoes LG's belt and unbuttons her jeans.  He pushes her pants down her thighs and to her ankles, around her boots, revealing black-and-white horizontally striped panties.

LG: No... Stop...

FB2: Umm... Maybe we should take off her boots.

FB1: Good point, bro.  Okay Liberty Girl... Down you go.

Frat Boy 1 throws LG to the floor, face first.  The boys quickly remove LG's boots and socks and then slide off her jeans.

FB1: Okay.  Now sit her up.

Frat Boy 2 moves the defenseless LG into a sitting position.  The two boys lift her arms above her head and slowly remove her shirt, revealing a black bra.  They let her go and she falls to the floor, nearly unconscious.  She looks up at them.

LG: You... Can't...

FB1: Yes we can, Liberty Girl.  Yes we can.

FB2: Oh man... Are we about to fuck a superheroine?

FB1: You better believe it, bro.

MM: Alright!  Cameras off!  Time's up!

FB1: The... fuck?

MM: Step away from Liberty Girl, boys.

FB1: No way.  There's no way that was ten minutes.

FB2: Yeah, what the fuck?

MM: You're finished.  That was ten minutes.  If you want more time, you've got to pay.  And then you've got to wait.

FB1: Oh no.  I'm getting what I fucking paid for.

Frat Boy 1 gets down on the floor and straddles LG.  He slides his hands over her body.  He caresses her breasts and then moves down, putting his fingers in the band of her panties.  Suddenly, a loud CRACK.  The Guard has snuck up from behind and punched FB1 in the head.  He topples over and off of Liberty Girl.  Another Guard makes quick work of FB2.  They lead the boys away.

FB1: Fuck!  Fuck!  This is a fucking rip-off!  A fucking con-job!

FB2: Yeah!

They exit, leaving Liberty Girl, who slowly rises to a seated position.  She looks around at her clothes strewn over the  ring.

LG: Good timing... Megan.

MM: "Liberty Girl Loses" has a strict no-rape policy.

LG: Oh, okay.  So you'll let people beat me up, grope me, strip me, and leer over me... But not rape me.  That's comforting.

MM: I'm glad you think so.  I will say that all rules are subject to change.  We can't keep teasing people like this.  Eventually we have to give the people what they want.

LG: A woman of principle.

MM: Now get back into your little starry panties, Liberty Girl.  You've got another fight to fight.

LG: What?  But I can barely move.

MM: Oh, this one will be easy.  It's just some horny nerd guy.

LG: Horny nerd?  Again? COME ON!

To be continued...


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