Liberty Girl: The Equalizer (Episode Four)

The Equalizer and Megan have joined forces for their evilest scheme yet: an internet video service starring Liberty Girl, minus her power belt, facing off against paying customers.  Captured, powerless, and betrayed by her sole contact in the police department, is there any hope for our heroine?  Or is "Liberty Girl Loses" about to become the newest viral hit?

Scene One: Liberty Girl sits on a metal bunk in a small cell.  The only other object-- an old, dingy toilet.  Her wrists are chained in front of her, and a metal band around her neck attaches her loosely via chain to the wall.

LG (internal monologue): Ugh, this is not good.  Without my belt, I can't do anything about these chains.  I'll just have to do something once they get me to fight.  If I can just team up with someone, somehow, than maybe...

The door to the cell creaks open.  Two of the big black-clad guards step in.

Guard One: Okay, bitch.  Time for your first fight.

Guard Two: First of many, I hope.

LG: So who am I facing off against?  You little twerps?

A guard uses a key to unlock the neck chain from the wall.  He holds it tightly in his grasp and motions to Liberty Girl.

Guard One: You'll find out, soon enough.  Now move.

Liberty Girl stands up, slowly.  The second guard walks off and slaps her on the ass.  She lets out a yelp.

Guard Two: Come on, now!  Get going!

The leashed LG walks out of the cell with the two guards following.

Liberty Girl Loses #1: LG versus Madame Depravity

The guards walk Liberty Girl into a boxing ring and begin undoing the cuffs on her wrists and neck.  Liberty Girl looks ahead of her to see a tall woman dressed in an odd dark purple costume.  She recognizes her immediately.

LG: Madame Depravity.  I could've guessed you'd be in on this nonsense.

MD: But of course, Liberty Girl!  It's rare that an evil girl gets a chance this good to really STICK IT to an old nemesis.

The guards finish up unshackling LG and leave the ring.  A voice comes over the intercom.  It's Megan.

Megan: This is Liberty Girl Loses, number one.  Her opponent this time you might recognize... It's the supervillain Madame Depravity!

Madame Depravity blows kisses to the cameras.  Liberty Girl crosses her arms and rolls her eyes.

Megan: The good Madame will have ten minutes to see if she can beat Liberty Girl in a one-on-one fight.  She has requested for this round just one special thing: the use of Liberty Girl's magic lasso!

Madame Depravity pulls LG's magic lasso out of her boot.  Liberty Girl sneers at her.

LG: I'll be taking that back.

MD: I'd like to see you try.

Megan: Alright.  Madame Depravity, are you ready?

She nods.

Megan: And... Liberty Girl.  Feeling like getting your ass beat?

LG: Let's just get this over with.

She strikes a fighting pose.

Megan: Alright then!  Ready... set... FIGHT!

MD and LG charge each other.  MD sidesteps LG and sticks out her leg, tripping LG and causing her to fall face forward.  She lands with an "oof!"

MD: I've been waiting for this day for years, Liberty Girl.

LG (picking herself up off the ground): I haven't.  I've already had the pleasure of beating you.  Many, many times.

MD: Since our last encounter, I've been doing research.  Trying to figure out your weakness.  You always had an unfair advantage, power-wise.

LG: I still do.  As you'll see.

Liberty Girl lunges at MD with a punch.  It connects, and MD stumbles back, but catches herself before she can fall.  She smiles.

MD: No, you don't have an advantage, Liberty Girl.  Not this time.  The Equalizer told me he depowered you.  And after that weak little excuse for a punch, I believe him.

Madame Depravity now lunges at Liberty Girl, punching her in the face.  Liberty Girl stumbles back, also catching herself.  She grimaces.

MD: Hahaha.  Yes.  You seem to be a strong as a normal woman now.  A normal woman, just like me.

LG: You're not normal.  You're...

MD: Depraved?  Well, obviously.

LG: You tie people up.  You put strangers in bondage.  That's weird.

MD: I can't believe I'm be lectured by a bitch who carries a magic lasso.

LG: That's different, and you know it.  You're sick.  Look at you.  Signing up to make a video for the Equalizer.

MD: But Liberty Girl, how could I refuse?  This is just the opportunity I've been scouring the internet for, for months.  And when he suggested in the intro that I'd get to use this...

Madame Depravity pulls the lasso taut.

MD: Well, there's no amount of money I wouldn't pay for that.

LG: Give the lasso back, Madame Depravity.  You don't know how to use it.

MD: Wrong.  I'm pretty sure you don't know how to use it.  There's so much potential here... Potential totally untapped by a do-gooder like you.

LG: Fine.  I guess I'll have to take it back.

Liberty Girl charges MD, again.  She grabs her by the shoulders and pushes her back into the ropes.  Madame Depravity struggles, grabs LG by the arms, and turns her around so that LG's back is to the wall.  Liberty Girl knees MD in the leg.  As MD buckles over, LG tries to grab at the lasso, leaving herself open for a punch to the face.  The impact sends LG toppling to the floor, stomach-first.  Madame Depravity shakes off the pain and straddles LG on the floor.

MD: Now, this is what I like.  Let's start with some cuffs.

In seconds, MD has shackled LG's wrists together behind her back with pink fuzzy handcuffs.

LG: Hey!

MD: Better take off those bad-ass boots.

MD turns around, her body still planted on LG's back, and pulls off LG's boots, one-by-one.

LG: Get off me, Madame Depravity!

MD: Not before we get you good and trussed up.

Madame Depravity begins wrapping LG's white-sock-clad ankles in thick coils of black rope.

LG: Ugh... You're supposed to... Fight me!  Not tie me up!

MD: I'm doing in my way, okay?  If you don't like it, maybe you can use your super strength to break free.  Oh wait.

LG struggles wildly on the floor but she can't break loose from Madame Depravity's clutches.  MD now ties a line from LG's bound ankles to her cuffed wrists.  She musses LG's hair as she stands up and admires her work.  LG is completely bound and immobile but for a bit of shaking.

MD: This is great.  You've never been so... Compliant... before.

LG: This is ridiculous.

MD: Oh come on.  Don't you like it?

LG: No, in fact.  I don't.

MD: I've been waiting for this for a long, long time.  Unfortunately I'm running out of time.  So we have to dig in, here.

Madame Depravity takes out LG's magic rope and ties it in a noose around LG's neck.  She stands up and holds the lasso loosely in her hand.

LG: Feeling powerful yet?

MD: I'm on top of the world, Liberty Girl.  And now that I have you entirely at my mercy... It's time to answer some questions.

LG: Madame Depravity.  Listen.  You can't ask me... About... You know...

MD: What?  What Liberty Girl?  What can't I ask you about?

LG: Please.  Leave my secret identity out of it.  It's got nothing to do with this.  And if you told the world... My life... And...

MD: Oh, this is rich, Liberty Girl.  So you're allowed to ruin the lives of every villain you meet?  But once I have you bound and helpless, I'm not even allowed to ask you a little question about who you really are?

LG: Ugh... I don't have to answer... Rhetorical questions...

MD: I'll ask about whatever I feel like.  So let's get down to it... Liberty Girl...

LG eyes widen.  She tries to shake off the lasso.  She can't.

MD: What is your secret...

LG: Don't!

MD: ...Fetish?

LG: What?

MD: What gets you off, Liberty Girl?

LG: Ugh... Getting my... Hair pulled.

MD: Whoa!  Really?

LG: Yes.

MD: Wow.  A kinky one, is Liberty Girl.  Who would've thought someone so... Dominating... Oh, I have to try...

Madame Depravity reaches over to LG's hair and pulls up on it.  LG cries out in pain.  MD lets go.

MD: So that did it for you?

LG: Yes.

MD: Wow.  You might be more depraved than me!  Okay.  Second question.  How scared are you right now that I'm going to make you say something really embarrassing to the whole world?

LG: Very.

MD: Alright... So what's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you?

LG: This.  Being tied up by you.  Tied with my own lasso.

MD: Good answer.  But I'm about to take it up a notch.  Okay Liberty Girl.  Final question.  What is...

LG: Madame Depravity.  Think about it!  Please.

MD: ...Your secret...

LG: Stop!

MD: Identity?

Megan (voice over the speaker): Alright.  Cameras off.  Time's up!

LG: My name is... Denise Kingston.

MD: What?  I couldn't hear you over the stupid intercom?

Megan: Alright Madame Depravity.  Drop the lasso and step away from the captive.

MD: No!  I had one more question!

Megan: Your time is up.  If you want more time, you have to pay.

MD: That's not fair!  There's no way that was ten minutes!  You can't do that!

LG: Time flies, doesn't it?

MD (to LG): You shut up.

Megan: Drop the lasso, and leave.

MD: But I had one more question!  Don't you want to know who she really...

Megan: We already do.  And if you want to know, you've got to pay.  Now go.

LG: Rules are rules, Madame Depravity.

MD (to LG): Oh my god, SHUT UP.  Listen, Megan!  I'll pay you right now.  I'll pay you... Five thousand dollars!  Just give me fifteen more seconds.

Megan: There's no extensions.  We'll add your name to the list.  You're in position number... Five hundred six.

MD: What?

LG: Five hundred six?

Megan: What can I say?  This is high demand stuff.  Now go.  Or my men are coming in to take you away.

MD: Oh goddammit.

Madame Depravity drops the lasso.  Liberty Girl smiles.

LG: Probably shouldn't have wasted all that time on those dumb sex questions.

MD: You got lucky.

LG: I guess it's kind of embarrassing that people know I like getting my hair pulled.  But this could've been a whole lot worse.

MD: I'll be back, bitch.  And then you'll know what real embarrassment is.

LG: By the time your name gets called I'll be long gone.  I'll be back on the street.  I'll have my powers.  And you'll be the first I throw back in jail.

Megan: Alright men.  Take her away.  Jesus.

The two guards step into the ring and pull away the struggling Madame Depravity.  The still-bound LG grins as her nemesis leaves.

Megan: Nicely done, Liberty Girl.  Your first fight and you end up bound and helpless like a bank teller.

LG: Hey, would you mind cutting me loose, actually?  These ropes are starting to burn.

Megan: Just know that I cut Madame Depravity's video short.  I did it for you.  We can't have your identity revealed.  Not this early.

LG: Umm.  Thanks?

Megan: You're welcome.  Guards!  Untie Liberty Girl.  And then re-tie her.  And put her back in her cell!

To be continued...


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