Liberty Girl: The Equalizer (Episode One)

The Equalizer has been terrorizing the city.  His specialty?  The depowerment and humiliation of superheroines.  He's never met a heroine quite like Liberty Girl.  But, then again, Liberty Girl has never met a villain as fiendish as... THE EQUALIZER!

SCENE ONE: Liberty Girl’s Home.  She reclines on her couch and watches a TV news report in her civilian identity.

ANCHOR: The bounty hunter known only as “The Equalizer” has struck again, this time unmasking the superheroine Night Girl, revealed to be none other than State Congresswoman Nicole Rogers.

LG: The Equalizer.  Not again.

ANCHOR: NIght Girl was found bound to a street pole without her mask.  Next to her was a note with a phone number.  We at Channel 4 called the number and talked with the Equalizer himself.  Listen.

EQUALIZER’s VOICE on the PHONE: I hope the city is happy.  This is the third costumed super goon I’ve taken down in the last two months.

LG (sarcastically): Yeah.  Thanks a lot, creep.

EQUALIZER: These superheroes think they can run around and break the law with impunity.  It’s an insult.  It’s an insult to the law, and to our democracy.

ANCHOR (recorded): But isn’t what you do also a form of lawlessness?

EQUALIZER: Oh give me a break.  What I do is nothing.  Nothing compared to what my next target, Liberty Girl, has done.

LG: Well.  It’s about time.

EQUALIZER: That star spangled wench is going down.  I want her to know, if she’s watching, that the Equalizer is coming for her.  Do you hear me, Liberty Girl?  I’m going to get you just like I got Night Girl.

LG: Huh.  You’re welcome to try.

(Liberty Girl’s phone rings.  She picks up.)

LG: Yes.  Yes.  Okay, Commissioner.  Yes.  I’ll be there in a second.

(She stands up, and looks confident.)

LG: A bank robbery.  Time to go to work.

(She leaves her house.)

SCENE TWO: City bank.  Liberty Girl walks through the front door and sees three men.  One is wearing a black mask and carries a small pistol.  He is the Equalizer.  The other two men stand to his sides, each holding bags of money.

LG: Well what do we have here?

(The Equalizer turns around.)

EQ: Liberty Girl!  So nice to see you!  Did you get my message?

(Liberty GIrl puts her hands on her hips and strikes a pose.)

LG: You think you can take me down?  You’re nothing.

EQ (laughs): You’re not the first costumed freak to tell me that, babe.

LG: You idiots can put the money down and walk out of here and I promise, I won’t hurt you.

EQ: Oh, don’t worry, Liberty Girl.  We’ll put the money down.  Do you think I care at all about that?  The only thing I care about is justice.  I only care about ending the careers of cocky superpowered bitches like you.

LG: That’s not justice, Equalizer.  You can’t rob banks and hurt civilians and call it justice.

EQ: No?  Well then… What do you do?  Is bouncing around in boots and a bikini justice?  Is kicking in people’s faces justice?  Is flaunting your superstrength and powers justice?

LG: I use my powers for good.

EQ: It’s all subjective, my dear.

LG: Not when I’m beating up scumbags like you.

EQ (laughs): Spoken like a true maniac, Liberty Girl.  But you’re not beating me up tonight.  I know everything about you.

LG (laughs): Everything, huh?  Like what?

EQ: I know you’re not as superpowered has everyone thinks.  I know you’re only as good as that ridiculous costume you wear.

LG: Nice try, Equalizer.  But I’m as super as they come.

EQ: That’s what they all say, Liberty Girl.  But every one of you superclowns has a weakness.  And I think I know exactly what yours is.

LG: I have no weakness.  Let me demonstrate.

(Liberty Girl stomps confidently toward the three men.)

EQ: Get her, boys!

(The Equalizer’s men throw down the money bags and charge Liberty Girl.  As man 1 comes near, Liberty Girl punches him in the face.  He goes down hard.  Man 2 tries to take a swing.  Liberty Girl ducks and delivers an uppercut to his chin.  He also goes down.  The two thugs wince in pain on the ground.  Liberty Girl cracks her knuckles.)

LG: I almost feel bad for those guys.  They only had to suffer because you’re too much of a coward to fight me yourself.

EQ: Eat THIS, Liberty Girl!

(The Equalizer raises his gun and fires.  LG immediately raises her wristbands to deflect the bullet.  But as the bullet makes contact with the wristband, it explodes into electricity.  The electricity pulses through LG’s body and she screams in pain.  Finally the electricity subsides and LG collapses to the ground.  She’s still conscious but breathing heavily.  The Equalizer smiles and strolls over to his grounded foe.)

EQ: You see Liberty Girl, I’ve watched the tapes.  I know your first instinct when someone fires a gun is to raise those stupid little wristbands of yours.

LG (still on the ground, huffing and puffing): What… Was… That…

EQ: Just a special electric “trap” bullet of my own design.  Built to explode into an electric shock on contact.

LG: You’re… A… Monster…

EQ: And you’re predictable, Liberty Girl.  You’ve got one bag of tricks.  And I’m not like anyone you’ve ever faced.

(The Equalizer crouches down and looks Liberty Girl in the eye.  He puts a hand on her exposed belly, and puts his other hand on her hair.  He caresses her hair gently.)

LG: Get… Off… Of… Me…

EQ: You’re easily the most beautiful superheroine I’ve met.  Such a shame it all ends tonight.  I wouldn’t mind another encounter with you.

LG (sneering): This… Isn’t… Over…

EQ: It is, Liberty Girl.  Because I know your secret.  The secret of your power.

(Liberty Girl starts to look frightened.)

EQ: It’s all in… Your MAGIC TIARA!

(The Equalizer rips LG’s tiara away.  He holds it in the air, laughing hysterically.  Liberty Girl, from the floor, starts to smile.)

EQ: Well… How does it feel, Liberty Girl?  How does it feel to be… Equal?  A weak and pathetic human, just like us?

LG: I wouldn’t know, Equalizer.

(Liberty Girl socks the Equalizer in the groin.  The Equalizer slumps to the floor in pain.  He drops LG’s tiara.  LG gets to her feet, picks up her tiara, and puts it back on her head.)

EQ (in great pain): How…. Howwww….

LG: I told you before, you moron.  I have no weakness.

(Liberty Girl kicks the Equalizer in the torso.  He howls in pain.)

LG: That electric bullet was a good trick.  But it’s not gonna hurt a superhero like me too much.

EQ: God… Damn…

LG: And what you were saying before, about us not meeting again?  Well, you’re right.  I’m calling the cops.  You’re going to jail.

(The Equalizer groans.  Police sirens can be heard in the background.)

LG: This has been fun.  Let’s never do it again.

(Liberty Girl leaves the three grounded men with a cocky strut.)

SCENE THREE: One month later.  Liberty Girl’s home.  Again she sits on the couch in her civilian identity.

LG: Things have been pretty quiet lately.  A superheroine almost gets bored.  I wonder what’s going on in the world.

(She clicks on the news)

ANCHOR: We have breaking news tonight.  It seems as though Ned Jedson, the criminal bounty hunter who until recently went by the alias of the Equalizer, has escaped from the City jail.

LG: What?

ANCHOR: Officials say the escape occurred hours ago.  A massive manhunt is taking place as we speak.

LG: That is NOT good.

(A hidden voice speaks out.)

Voice: You got that right, Liberty Girl.

(Two men come out of nowhere.  In seconds, they are on top of LG.  She kicks and punches them away and tries to run from the couch.  But just as she’s about to leave the room another man grabs her from behind.  He bearhugs her tightly, lifting her feet off the ground.  Liberty Girl cries out in pain.  The bearhugging man is The Equalizer.)

EQ: Hello again, beautiful.

(He swings the bearhugged Liberty GIrl back and forth.)

LG: Ugh!  Equalizer!  How dare you!

EQ: You look as radiant in your civilian clothes as you do in your little costume.

(LG steps on the Equalizer’s toes.  He lets her go.  LG turns around to face him.)

LG: You get out, RIGHT NOW.

EQ: Make us.  Oh wait.  I don’t think you can.

(The two other men step behind Liberty Girl.  Each of them grabs one of LG’s arms.  They use their feet to separate LG’s legs.  She is caught.  She struggles helplessly in their grasp.)

EQ: Remember when I almost had you that last time?  Well, I was able to put a tracking device on the underside of your belt.  And once I got out of prison I knew exactly where to find you.

LG (struggling): You’re not going to win, Equalizer.  I’m going to send you back to jail.  And this time…

EQ: This time, you’re not so tough.

(The Equalizer socks Liberty Girl In the stomach.  She takes it HARD.  She buckles her knees and the two men drop her arms so she can slump to the ground.  She clutches her stomach in pain.)

EQ: I had a feeling about you, Liberty Girl.  And I think this confirms it.

(The Equalizer places her hand on LG’s chin, tilting her head up.)

EQ: I was wrong about your tiara.  But I was right about you, generally speaking.  Without your costume, you’re nothing.

(Liberty Girl takes a wild swing, again aiming at the Equalizer’s groin.  He calmly steps out of the way, leaving Liberty Girl on her hands and knees.)

EQ: Predictable as always, Liberty Girl.  And this time, slow as molasses.

(The Equalizer kicks Liberty Girl in her stomach.  She flips over on her back, moaning in agony.)

EQ: Hurts, doesn’t it?  But why should I be the one to have all the fun?  Boys!  You want to get some revenge on this chick?

(The two men look gleefully at their boss.  They rub their hands together.)

EQ: Show Liberty Girl what is feels like to be a normal woman.

(The two men go to town.  The first grabs her wrists and lifts her to her feet.  The second socks LG in the stomach.  As she’s doubled over, the first slaps her across the face.  She spins around in a daze.  The second man shoves her to the ground.  We now see the Equalizer talking.  We only hear the cries of pain as LG feels the wrath of the thugs.)

EQ: You got a nice place here, Liberty Girl!  Very well done.  Kinda makes me wonder just who you are and what you do, you know, in your normal life.  But don’t you worry none.  I’m sure we’ll have plenty of time to talk.  See, we’re not leaving you, Liberty Girl.  Not for a long while.  Not till you fully grasp the meaning of “equality.”

(Liberty Girl is finally pushed into the Equalizer’s arms.  She can barely stand.)

EQ: But I think you’ve had enough for now.

(The Equalizer puts out a syringe and sinks it into LG’s butt.  LG cries out, then slumps to the floor, unconscious.)

EQ: Boys.  Take her to her room.  And tie her up, if you don’t mind.

(The men nod.  The first grabs Liberty Girl and cradle carries her away.  The Equalizer laughs maniacally.)

SCENE FOUR: Liberty Girl slowly wakes up to discover she has been stripped to her black lingerie.  She is spreadeagle tied to the four posts of her bed.  She is still groggy.  She begins to hear a voice.

The Equalizer: Don’t worry, Liberty Girl.  My boys didn’t go crazy or do anything rash.  Not yet, anyway.

(Liberty Girl shakes her head.  She looks around the room and at her bonds.  She is totally helpless.)

LG: You.

EQ: Yes, me.  What, Liberty Girl, that’s all you can say?

LG: You make me sick.

EQ: Oh come on, babe.  That’s harsh.  My boys didn’t rough you up too bad.  Not nearly as bad as you did to them back when you had superpowers.
LG: You wouldn’t be smiling if I had my power right now.

EQ: You know, Liberty Girl?  You’re right.  I probably wouldn’t be.  But you’re talking about an alternate reality.  Right now, you don’t have your powers.  And look what I found.

(The Equalizer holds up LG’s costume.  He has her star-spangled panties, red top, belt and bracelets and tiara wadded up in his hands.)

EQ: We found em in your dresser.  Seems like pretty definitive proof that we got the right girl.  I’m sure Channel 4 will be itching to get a hold of this.

(LG struggles against her bonds.  But nothing will budge.)

EQ: You’re not breaking those ropes, kid.  Not without this costume.

LG: You get your filthy hands off my belt, right now.

EQ (laughs): Hahaha.  Belt?  Really?  That’s funny.  I thought you’d be more concerned about your little bottoms here.

LG (grimaces): Well… You should… Drop those too.

EQ: So it’s the belt that’s your power source, then?

LG: No.

EQ: Hahaha.  I think it is!

LG: No!

EQ: There must be a way to test…

LG: You’re wrong, Equalizer.

EQ: So if I put this on, will I have the superstrength of Liberty Girl?

LG: It won’t fit around your fat ass.

EQ: There’s only one way to find out.

(The Equalizer drops the other items and wraps the belt around his waist.  It doesn’t fit.)

EQ: Hmm.

LG: It’s custom made, you idiot.

EQ: A shame.

(The phone rings.  The Equalizer picks it up.)

EQ: Liberty Girl’s residence!

(LG looks shocked.)

EQ: Yes.  This is the home of the superheroine Liberty Girl.  But I’m afraid she’s a little tied up at the moment.

(The Equalizer listens in.  LG tries desperately to break free but still the ropes won’t budge.)

EQ: Well who do you think you called then?

(The Equalizer listens some more.)

EQ: Denise Kingston, eh?

(Another look of shock from LG).

EQ: Well I’m hear to tell you that Denise Kingston and Liberty Girl are one in the same.  Have a good day.

(The Equalizer hangs up the phone.)

LG (angrily): Who was that?

EQ: Oh, just one of Denise Kingston’s friends.  Say… You wouldn’t happen to know who Denise Kingston is, would you?

LG: You told her!  You… How could you?

EQ: What did you expect?  Besides, I figured out your secret identity looking through all your stuff while you were sleeping.

LG: You… dirty…

EQ: Come off it, Liberty Denise.  You revealed my identity first.  Now we’re even.

LG: I swear.  Once I get out of here.  I’m going to make you pay for this.

EQ: Now now.

(The Equalizer climbs on the bed and straddles Liberty Girl.  He leans down and kisses her on the lips.  Liberty Girl turns her head wildly.)

EQ: Denise!  What’s the big idea!

(The Equalizer rests his hands on the cups of LG’s bra.  She gives him a look.)

LG: Hands… Off.  Equalizer.

EQ: You’re normal now… But your body… Ooh.  That’s still pretty super.

LG: Untie me and I’ll show you a real good time, you loser.

EQ: Don’t worry, I will.

(The Equalizer jumps off of the bed.)

EQ: We’re gonna do some tests now, Liberty Girl.  I want to make sure it’s the belt that’s your power source.  And I’m pretty sure it is.

LG: You ambushed me last time, Equalizer.  It wasn’t a fair fight.

EQ: But Liberty Girl… When has a fight with you and your belt EVER been fair?

LG: Give me my costume and I’ll show you what I’m really made of.

EQ: I’m going to, Liberty Girl.  I’m going to give you back everything except for your little golden girdle here.

LG: Ugh.  Fine by me.

EQ: I’m going to fight you, one on one.  A fair fight.  And I’m going to beat you.

LG: In your dreams, Equalizer.

EQ: And then, once I’ve done that, I’m going to tell the world your secret identity.

LG: They’ll never believe you.

EQ: And then, after that… I don’t know.  Maybe I’ll kill you.

LG: A likely story.

EQ: Indeed.  So let’s get you suited up.

LG: Untie me.

EQ: I’ll tell you what, Liberty Girl.  How about if my men do that.  They’ll get you out of your undies and into your costume, too.

LG: What?

EQ: Hear that, boys!  Help Liberty Girl get into character for me.  I’ll be waiting in the other room.

(The two other men show up, grinning.  Liberty Girl has a look of panic.  As the Equalizer leaves, the two men start untying Liberty Girl.  They wrestle with her squirming body.)

LG: Ugh!  Let!  Me!  Go!

SCENE FIVE:  The Equalizer sits in a chair in the other room.  The two men come in holding Liberty Girl, now in ruffled costume, minus her belt, by her arms.  Her hair is mussed and she looks tired.

EQ: Good work boys!  How’d it go!

First man: Oh.  Hehehe.  It was great, boss.

Second man: Yeah.  I gotta say… She’s got some real nice…

LG: Shut up.

EQ: Hahahaha.  So they were gentle with you?

LG: You work with pigs.

EQ: You got that right!

First man: Cool if I keep these, boss?

(He holds up the black lingerie LG wore before.)

EQ: Absolutely.  Consider it a bonus.  Now leave us alone, please.
(The two men release Liberty Girl and chuckle as they leave the room.  Liberty Girl brushes herself off and rearranges her hair.)

EQ: You look radiant.

LG: Thanks.  Asshole.

EQ: Seriously!  I almost don’t want to beat you up now.

LG: But I want to beat the crap out of you.

EQ: Wow.  You know Liberty Girl, you could learn how to take a compliment.

LG: Enough.  Let’s get this over with.

EQ: Okay!  Sure thing, Denise!

LG: Stop calling me that.

EQ: But it’s your name, isn’t it?

LG: I’m Liberty Girl.

EQ: You’re a fraud.  Without your belt, you’re nothing.  You couldn’t stop my men from messing with you.  And you can’t stop me from defeating you now.

LG: I… They… I let them take me here.

EQ: You let them take off your clothes?  You let them admire your… Mmm… Perfect naked body?

LG: It was all a trick.

EQ: You do know a thing or two about tricks, Liberty Girl.  You’re trying to fool me now.  But it won’t work.

(The Equalizer walks over to Liberty Girl.  She takes a wild swing at him that he sidesteps easily.)

EQ: You faked that punch, too?

LG: Just… Warming up.

EQ: I don’t think you’re much of a fighter, Liberty Girl.  I think you’ve gotten it easy.  You’ve relied on your magic belt to get out of tough spots.  But it won’t help you this time.

(LG throws another punch.  This one hits the Equalizer square in the chest.  He steps back, but is mostly unfazed.)

EQ: Ooh.  That hurt… Not much.

(LG tries another.  This time, the Equalizer catches her by the wrist.  He holds up her hand and in doing so drags her body toward his.)

EQ: Still warming up?

LG: Nope.

(LG knees the Equalizer in the groin.  This does make In impact.  He steps back, wheezing.)
EQ (coughing): Low blow!  Low blow!

LG: You’re pathetic.

(LG punches the Equalizer in the face.  He falls to the ground, stunned.)

LG: How’s the test going, Equalizer?

(The Equalizer gets to his face.  He spits and smiles.)

EQ: The results are mixed so far.  But there’s nothing conclusive yet, babe.

LG: You’re going down.

(Liberty Girl gives the Equalizer a quick one-two to the stomach.  He steps backward, then charges at Liberty Girl.  His momentum carries them both to the ground.  Liberty Girl lands with an oof.  The Equalizer straddles her, grinning.)

EQ: This seems familiar.

(Liberty Girl tries to punch but the Equalizer snatches both of her wrists, pushing them to the floor.)

EQ: Come on, bitch!  Use your super strength!  Overpower me!

(Liberty Girl spits in the Equalizer’s eye.  He goes to grab his face, and Liberty Girl uses her free hand to punch him.  She knocks the Equalizer off and stands up.)

EQ: That’s not what I had in mind.

LG: Say I’m predictable again.

EQ (laughing): I’m still not worried, Liberty Girl.

(The Equalizer kicks out a foot and trips up Liberty Girl.  She falls to the floor and the Equalizer scrambles to his feet.)

EQ: You don’t have your power.  That trip doesn’t take down a powered superhero.

(LG gets up.)

LG: Just beginner’s luck.

EQ: No.

(The Equalizer runs at Liberty Girl and grabs her by the hair.  He moves LG over to the wall and runs her head into It three times.  LG steps back, dazed.)

EQ: Take this!

(The Equalizer punches Liberty Girl in the face.  She falls to the floor on her butt.  She fades in and out of consciousness.)

LG: Uhh… I…

EQ: I’m right, Liberty Girl.  Without your belt, you’re nothing.

(The Equalizer uses his foot to push Liberty Girl to the ground.  She barely resists.)
EQ: I just want to hear you say it.

(The Equalizer steps into the grounded LG’s shoulder.  She howls out in pain.)

EQ: Say… “Without my belt, I am nothing.”

LG: No…

EQ: Say it.

(The Equalizer continues the pressure.  Liberty Girl continues to scream out.)

EQ: Say, “The belt is my power source.  You have defeated me.”

LG: I… Won’t…

(The Equalizer releases his foot and steps down to the floor.  Liberty Girl can do nothing as the Equalizer turns her over and belly first on his knee.  She is now draped over him.  He lifts a hand in the air.)

EQ: You’re a bad girl, Liberty Girl.

(He spanks LG across her butt.  She cries out.)

EQ: You need to be taught some manners.

(Another spank, another cry.)

EQ: Now.  Say it.  Say it or I will spank your starry butt till it’s red as your top.

LG: My… belt…

EQ: Yes.

LG: Is… My…

EQ: Keep going.

LG: Favorite…

(Furiously, the Equalizer spanks Liberty Girl.  She cries out.)

EQ: No!  Try again!

(The pain and the humiliation of the spanking seems to be pushing Liberty Girl toward unconsciousness.)

LG: My… Power…

EQ: Good.

LG: Comes… From…

EQ: Good.

LG: My magic belt!

(Liberty Girl whips back her fist and catches the Equalizer in the jaw.  As he sprawls on the floor, Liberty Girl crawls over.  She rests her knee into his throat and pushes.)

EQ: Ack!  Ahh!

LG: Now.  You’ve been a bad boy, Equalizer.

EQ: Liberty… Girl… I…

LG: Tell me where my belt is.  Now.

(She pushes down harder.)

EQ: Ahh! Ack… It’s… In the drawer… Over there.

LG: Good.
(She gives the Equalizer a punch to the face.  He falls into unconsciousness.  Liberty Girl steps over to the drawer and finds her belt.  She straps in across her waist confidently.)

LG: That feels good.

(The two men come in.  With her superpowers back, LG takes care of them easily.  There are now three unconscious goons on her floor.)

LG: The Equalizer knows my power source and my secret identity.  Can I really let him live?

(The Equalizer wakes up.  He lays motionless and in pain on the floor.)

EQ (coughing): So… You got your belt back.

LG: I did.

EQ: You’re super again.

LG: I am.

EQ: But… I was close.

LG: You were.

EQ: And… As long as I live… I’ll treasure the feeling on my hand on that sweet, sweet ass…

LG: Well, hope you got your fill.

(Liberty Girl stomps on the Equalizer’s head.)



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