
Showing posts from July, 2017

Omega Girl versus Omega House! (Alternate Ending, Part Three)

Thanks to the intervention of a superhero friend, Omega Girl has regained control of her mind and powers.  Eager for payback, she approaches Omega Phi Omega House for the final showdown with her new arch-rival, Heather. Omega Girl kicks in the door.  She wanders into Omega House to find the two henchgirls sitting around. Omega Girl: Morning, ladies. Girl 1: Omega Phi Omega Girl!  Hey, what's up? Omega Girl: It's just Omega Girl. Girl 2: Umm, okay.  Hey, Heather's been looking for you.  She was worried you'd gone rogue. Omega Girl: I'm feeling better than I've ever been. Girl 2: That's good.  Did you rob that bank last night? Omega Girl: Nope. Girl 2: No? Girl 1: What do you mean "nope"? Omega Girl: I had a change of heart. Girl 1: Change? Omega Girl: Allow me to explain... Omega Girl steps over to Girl 1, lifts her by the shirt and throws her to the other side of the room. Girl 2: Hey!  What the hell? Omega Girl

Omega Girl versus Omega House! (Alternate Ending, Part Two)

Heather has won.  After reducing Omega Girl to a sniveling, frightened mess, the vile president of Omega Phi Omega was able to take over our heroine's mind and add her to the sorority's collection of brainwashed girl slaves.  What plans does Heather have for her new super-powered servant?  And is there any way Omega Girl can break her psychic chains and defeat her nemesis? It is night.  We see an old man trying to unlock his car.  It's the university president, Dr. Rector.  He hears a noise.  He looks up and sees a young girl in an alluring red outfit, hands on her hips, staring at him. Rector: May I help you, miss? Omega Girl: Give me your money. Ok Rector: What? Omega Girl: I am Omega Girl.  I am a superheroine.  Give me your money, or else. Rector: What is this?  Some kind of a weird prank? Omega Girl: You asked for it. Omega Girl dashes over to Dr. Rector and punches him in the stomach.  Rector doubles over and Omega Girl shoves him to the ground.  A

Omega Girl versus Omega House! (Alternate Ending, Part One)

Would would've happened to Omega Girl if she had not been able to free herself from Heather's cruel chains?  Omega Girl (internal monologue): Augh... I can't take much more of this... I have to try to break free... It's now or never... Heather: You're already starting to crack, Omega Girl.  I can feel it. Omega Girl: You're... wrong! Omega Girl uses every last ounce of strength against her chains... But they won't budge!  She twists and turns against her bonds.  Heather laughs at her struggling captive. Heather: Aww... poor little heroine.  Are my chains a just a widdle too tough? Omega Girl (internal monologue): Shoot.  That was everything I had left.  This is not good. Heather: Looks like your last ditch effort... Went into a ditch.  Now SCREAM for me. Heather applies the shock pads to Omega Girl.  With her super-strength depleted, the impact is severe.  Omega Girl shakes her chains wildly, trying desperately to get away.  Her cries of

Omega Girl versus Omega House! (Part Four)

Omega Girl's attempt to infiltrate the shady Omega Phi Omega house has gone south.  Injected with multiple drugs and possibly under mind control, Lexi transformed into her heroine identity and was swiftly beaten in humiliating fashion.  With her most closely guarded secret compromised and her mental state deteriorating, is there any hope for our heroine in the basement of Omega house? Black.  Voices echo in Omega Girl's head. Omega Girl (internal monologue): Gotta... Fight it... TRANSFORM... No!... Can't... Reveal... My secret identity... YOU'RE MINE NOW, OMEGA GIRL... No!... Must... Keep... Fighting... I have to... Find a way... YOU'RE THROUGH, SUPERHEROINE... I just... Can't... "Lexi Stone is Omega Girl, Lexi Stone is Omega Girl, Lexi Stone..." Light.  We see Jared hovering over Omega Girl.  She is once again tied to the slab, which is now parallel with the floor.  Heavy chains link her wrists together above her head and her ankles to the g

Omega Girl versus Omega House! (Part Three)

Lexi's undercover investigation of the nefarious Omega Phi Omega House was interrupted by a blow-dart to the butt.  Having made i t out of the sorority's first two tests with (most of) her dignity intact, what awaits Omega Girl as she journeys further into the dark... Black.  We hear the voice of Heather... Heather: Wake up, Lexi. Lexi slowly opens her eyes.  She finds herself strapped spreadeagle to an almost-vertical metal slab.  In front of her stands Heather, Jared, and the two henchgirls. Lexi (shaking her head): Ugh.  Now where am I? Heather: You're in the basement of Omega Phi Omega, my dear.  You've passed our first two tests.  You have just one challenge left before we make our final decision. Lexi: Oh yeah, I remember now.  I was beating the hell out of that big doofus over there.  Would've knocked him out if I hadn't been shot in the butt. Jared: Bitch, I'll kill you... Jared walks toward Lexi.  Heather waves hi

Omega Girl versus Omega House! (Part Two)

When we last saw our heroine, she had just barely escaped an unmasking at the hands of Heather, president of the notorious sorority Omega Phi Omega.  She regroups, determined to find out more about the group's evil recruitment strategies.  A week passes, and OG decides to go undercover... We see her now, dressed in her civilian clothes, the powerless college student, Lexi Stone. She's in a chair in a small office room.  A girl named Tina sits across from her behind a desk. Tina: So, Lexi... Why Omega Phi Omega? Lexi (slightly ditzy voice): Wow.  Well.  I guess I just really admire you guys' values or whatever. Tina: Values?  Like what? Lexi: Oh, you know... Just having fun, and all that stuff.  YOLO! Tina: Hmm.  Alright.  So you haven't heard any of those vicious rumors being spread lately? Lexi: Uhh... No.  What? Tina: Those rumors that we're some kind of a brainwashing cult.  That we're imprisoning girls against their will.  That we're

Omega Girl versus Omega House! (Part One)

In her second year as a superheroine, Omega Girl receives word that a sorority at her college, the notorious Omega Phi Omega (no relation), has been brutally hazing and maybe even brainwashing potential recruits.  One night, in her civilian garb, our heroine goes out to investigate. It's dark.  Omega Girl, wearing jeans, boots, and a tight T-shirt, is sneaking around a lavishly decorated brick house with an "Omega Phi Omega" flag.  The sounds of young people partying emanating from glowing windows.  Omega Girl steps into a bush and tries to peer inside. Omega Girl: Let's see.  A bunch of drunken slutty chicks dancing around pointlessly.  Nothing out of the ordinary here. Omega Girl steps away from the window and heads toward the house's backyard.  As she creeps along the wall, two girls stumble out of a backdoor.  They are laughing and talking. Girl one: That bitch isn't taking to the "medicine" too well, is she? Girl two: Yeah!  What as