
Showing posts from August, 2017

Liberty Girl: The Equalizer (Episode Six)

It's been days since the Equalizer and Megan first captured Liberty Girl and forced her to partake in their sick project.  Since then, she's been beaten up, tied up, and generally messed up in a number of ways.  Will there be any end to our poor heroine's torments?  Or will her foes profit off her humiliation for the rest of of her days? Liberty Girl Loses #10: Liberty Girl versus MMA Woman: We join Liberty Girl in the middle of her tenth fight, this one against a tall woman in athletic gear.  It doesn't seem to be going well. Woman: If I can beat a superheroine... She punches Liberty Girl in the face.  She stumbles backward. Woman: Then I can beat anyone! She hits her again.  Liberty Girl seems stunned. Woman: Lights out, Liberty Girl! The woman delivers a roundhouse kick to Liberty Girl's upper body.  The impact spins LG around and down to the ground.  She lays unconscious.  The woman holds her hands up in victory. Woman: Yes!  I did it!  Yeah!

Liberty Girl: The Equalizer (Episode Five)

Despite being beaten, tied up, and almost forced by way of her own magic lasso to reveal her secret identity to the world, Liberty Girl has managed to survive the first segment of "Liberty Girl Loses" with her dignity (mostly) intact.  Unfortunately for our heroine, there are many more installments to come... Scene One: Liberty Girl, once again chained up and in her cell, tries to sleep on the hard bunk.  But there's this loud voice on the intercom... The Equalizer: Wake up, Liberty Girl!  Wake up! Liberty Girl, groggily moves to a seated position. Liberty Girl: Ugh.  I'm awake. EQ: Good.  Your next fight will start very shortly. LG: Next fight?  But I just got done with the last one... EQ: No one likes a whiner, Liberty Girl. LG: Yeah, and no one likes a lopsided fight, either. EQ: That's not entirely true. LG: I need sleep, Equalizer.  And you have to give me food at some point, too.  You can't have your star wither away. EQ: You

Liberty Girl: The Equalizer (Episode Four)

The Equalizer and Megan have joined forces for their evilest scheme yet: an internet video service starring Liberty Girl, minus her power belt, facing off against paying customers.  Captured, powerless, and betrayed by her sole contact in the police department, is there any hope for our heroine?  Or is "Liberty Girl Loses" about to become the newest viral hit? Scene One: Liberty Girl sits on a metal bunk in a small cell.  The only other object-- an old, dingy toilet.  Her wrists are chained in front of her, and a metal band around her neck attaches her loosely via chain to the wall. LG (internal monologue): Ugh, this is not good.  Without my belt, I can't do anything about these chains.  I'll just have to do something once they get me to fight.  If I can just team up with someone, somehow, than maybe... The door to the cell creaks open.  Two of the big black-clad guards step in. Guard One: Okay, bitch.  Time for your first fight. Guard Two: First of man

Liberty Girl: The Equalizer (Episode Three)

In the past week, Liberty Girl has narrowly escaped two attempts at ending her superheroine career: a home invasion by a bounty hunter named the Equalizer, and an interrogation by an old "friend," the dastardly investigative reporter Megan Malos.  It seems like the whole city is turning against our heroine... Little does she know, this is just the beginning... Scene One: Liberty Girl sits, legs crossed, in full costume across a desk from Commissioner Kelly, head of the Police Department and one of the few people in the local government who our heroine trusts. LG: Commissioner Kelly.  To what do I owe the pleasure? Kelly: Evening, Liberty Girl.  Glad you could make it.  How are you, my dear? LG: Can't complain.  Just being a superheroine, you know.  It has its ups and downs. Kelly: Yes.  Seems like there's been some weird ones, lately. LG: Weird ones?  You're talking about the Equalizer? Kelly: Yeah.  Him and that nutty reporter, Megan Malos. LG

Liberty Girl: The Equalizer (Episode Two)

Liberty Girl has defeated the Equalizer (for now), but a new threat to her life and crimefighting career is rising.  And it's taking the shape of an old friend... One who might already know Liberty Girl's most closely kept secret... SCENE ONE: Liberty Girl, in her civilian identity as Denise Kingston, sits at a restaurant, eating lunch with her friend, Megan Malos.  When we last saw our heroine, she was fighting the Equalizer, and over the course of that fight, her secret identity appeared to have been revealed to a person over the phone.  That person, of course, was Megan Malos.  This is not known to Liberty Girl. Megan: It ’s been just too long, Denise. LG: Tell me about it.  But it’s so good to see you, Megan.  You still working as a reporter? MM: I am!  It’s fun work… Putting pieces together, solving mysteries.  What have you been up to these days, Denise?  What about your life is just SO important that you can’t hang out with me anymore? LG (chuc