A-GIRL in "Double Trouble"

Title Card: The superheroine A-Girl has been relentless in her efforts to take down the villainous FALSE FACES gang.  Her greatest asset in this fight is her secret identity.  The bad guys would do anything to learn about the face behind A-Girl's mask.

What the bad guys don't know is that A-Girl is, in fact, two girls, roommates Anna and Viktoria.  By alternating who wears the costume, the young women are able to keep their enemies constantly on their toes.

But the FALSE FACES are not to be underestimated...

SCENE ONE: A dark, mostly empty room in a warehouse.  We see two masked thugs, PAVEL and SERGEI charge in through the door.  They stop in the center of the room, huffing and puffing, hands on knees.

PAVEL: Is she coming?

SERGEI: Yeah.  She was right behind us.

PAVEL: Good.

The door slams open.  Into the room, with a confident, ass-shaking strut, comes A-GIRL (ANNA), in her skin-tight silver bodysuit, black boots, and black mask.  She nears the thugs and crosses her arms.

A-GIRL: You're too slow, False Faces.  Give it up.

SERGEI (with exaggerated voice): Shit!  It's A-Girl!

A-GIRL: You two are no match for me.  And now, I have you trapped.

PAVEL: Wrong, A-Girl.  It is you who are the trapped one.

In the shadows near the door, FOUR THUGS appear, wearing masks and uniforms like PAVEL and SERGEI.  A-GIRL spins around.  She holds her fists out in front of her as the SIX MEN begin to encircle.

SERGEI: Maybe two of us can't beat you, superheroine.  But how about six of us?

A-GIRL: We'll see.

A fight ensues.  The thugs close in.  A-GIRL spins around and roundhouse kicks PAVEL to the ground.  She shoves another thug aside.  She turns around and is punched in the face.  She stumbles in a daze.  The thugs take advantage, taking turns punching A-GIRL.  She blunders about and eventually falls to her knees.  The thugs quickly seize her.  SERGEI crouches behind her and wraps his arms underneath her armpits, holding the back of her head in a headlock.  He pushes his knees into her back, forcing her chest forward and her arms out.  Two other thugs grab her arms and pull him to the side.  A-GIRL tries to kick free and two more thugs quickly ensnare her ankles.  A-GIRL is now sitting on the ground, fiercely fighting against the five thugs holding her, but to no avail.  PAVEL stands in front her, looking down, holding his jaw.

PAVEL: You're gonna pay for that kick, bitch.

A-GIRL (struggling, grunting a little): Aww.  Poor baby.

PAVEL (ignoring the insult): You got her tight, man?

SERGEI (nodding, holding fast to the struggling A-GIRL): She's going nowhere.

PAVEL (looking back at A-GIRL): You've been a thorn in the side of the False Faces for too long, A-Girl.  But this is the end, for you.

A-GIRL (still struggling): I'm just getting started, idiot.

PAVEL: Wrong again.  We set this trap to catch you, and you fell right into it.  The way we see it, as long as you can hide behind that mask, and shield your identity, you can attack us with impunity.  So now, it's time to see who you really are...

A-GIRL (suddenly nervous): Don't do it.

PAVEL (crouching down in front of her): You can't stop me, A-Girl.  Now hold still.

A-GIRL twists in the arms of the thugs but can't break free.  PAVEL grasps her head and slides his fingers underneath her mask.  He peels away the mask and reveals the shocked face of ANNA.  PAVEL steps up, fingering the mask, looking back and forth between it and A-GIRL's bare face.

PAVEL: Hmm.  Just some girl.

A-GIRL is shocked, speechless.

SERGEI (bending over): I want to see!

Sergei tries to turn A-GIRL in his arms so he can see her face.  PAVEL pulls a phone from his pocket and aims it at the superheroine.

PAVEL: I don't know who you are.  But when we put your photo on the internet, someone will.

A-GIRL (grunting, mumbling): No!

He holds out the camera.  A-GIRL tries to turn her head away but is still tight in the grasp of the thugs.  PAVEL snaps a photo and looks at his camera.

PAVEL: Perfect.

SERGEI (still bending, loosening his hold on A-GIRL): Wait.  I think I know...

A-GIRL suddenly breaks free.  She slams the back of her head into SERGEI's nose.  As he falls back, she wrenches a hand free and socks the thug holding her other arm.  She then kicks her boots loose and kicks those thugs aside.  She tussles with the men and overwhelms them.  Soon, only PAVEL is standing, frightened.

PAVEL: Shit.

A-GIRL: Now you're gonna pay.

A-GIRL charges PAVEL and makes quick work of him.  Once he's on the ground, A-GIRL reaches into his pocket, grabs his phone, and throws it to the ground.  It shatters.

A-GIRL: It might be harder to post that photo now.

She bends over, grabs her mask from the floor, and puts it back on her face.

A-GIRL: It's time to take you in to the police.

SERGEI, crawling along the ground, removes a smoke grenade from his pocket.  He throws it against the floor.  The room explodes into gas.  A-GIRL coughs and stumbles and SERGEI and PAVEL get up and run away.  When the dust clears, only A-GIRL and four grounded thugs remain.

A-GIRL (frustrated): Dammit.

Fade out.

SCENE TWO: A small, cozy apartment.  ANNA and her roommate, VIKTORIA, are sitting at the table in their pajamas, sipping coffee.

VIKTORIA: So how did it go last night?

ANNA: Not great.  The False Faces ambushed me.

VIKTORIA: What?  How?

ANNA (shaking her head): I don't know.  There were six of them.  They held me down and took off my mask.

VIKTORIA: Shit.  Did they see your face?

ANNA (nodding slightly): Yeah.  I think so.  But I destroyed their phone.  They have no evidence.

VIKTORIA: And they didn't recognize you?

ANNA: No.  I don't think so.

VIKTORIA: Well, that's good.

ANNA: I think I need to take a break from A-Girl for a while.  You want the costume for the night?

VIKTORIA: Yes.  I'll take it.  I want to find them and get revenge, for you.

ANNA (smiling): That sounds good.  But be careful.

Fade out.

SCENE THREE: A lavish executive suite.  A brawny man in a suit, ALEX, sits behind a desk.  PAVEL and SERGEI stand in front of him.

ALEX: Well.  Do you have it?  Did you take A-Girl's mask?

PAVEL (sheepishly): Umm.  Yes and no.

ALEX: What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

PAVEL: It means that the plan worked.  We trapped her.  We had her pinned.  And I took off her mask and took her picture...

ALEX: But?

PAVEL: But... she got away.  And she broke my fucking phone.

ALEX (standing up): Great.  Fucking great.  And now she'll be on her guard.

PAVEL: It was a good plan boss.  We almost had her.  We...

ALEX (screaming): ALMOST doesn't cut it, you loser!  ALMOST won't save the organization from this masked bitch!  ALMOST means nothing!

PAVEL (staring at the floor): Yes.  Yes sir.  I know.

ALEX: I told you you had ONE more chance to take out A-Girl.  And it looks like you've failed, once again...

SERGEI: Wait, sir.  Hold on.

ALEX (staring at Sergei): What the fuck is it?

SERGEI: Well, sir.  I think I recognized her.

ALEX: You... what?

SERGEI: Her face, sir.  I knew it.  I went to college with her.  Her name is... Anna, I think.

ALEX: Anna?  Really?

SERGEI: Yes, sir.  I'm 99% sure it was her.

A long pause.  ALEX paces around and laughs a little.

ALEX: Well, then.  It looks like you two are going to get one last chance to make this right.

ALEX sits back down in his chair.  He puts a cigar in his mouth and lights it.  He stares at SERGEI and PAVEL and smiles.

ALEX: I think you two need to pay a visit to this... Miss Anna...

SCENE FOUR: Evening.  ANNA's apartment.  She sitting on the couch in street clothes (maybe a T-shirt and black leggings), lazily watching TV.  She changes the channel.  Suddenly, a large rap at the door.

ANNA: What the hell?

ANNA removes her blanket and gets up.  She goes to the door and moves to the peephole.  Before she can look through, the door bursts open.  SERGEI and PAVEL charge into the apartment.  ANNA, terrified, moves to run away, but SERGEI is too fast.  He scoops her into a bearhug and lifts her off the floor.

SERGEI: Hello there, A-Girl!

PAVEL: Mind if we hang out for a bit?

ANNA (kicking in Sergei's grip): Who are you?  Get out of here!

SERGEI: Give her the cloth.

PAVEL removes a chloroform soaked rag from his pocket.  He steps over and puts it to ANNA's lips.  ANNA cries into the cloth, but before the chemicals can overwhelm her, she slams her head into SERGEI's nose.  SERGEI drops her, clutching his face.

SERGEI: God damn it!  Not again!

Anna falls to her knees and starts to crawl away, her motions clearly impeded by the chloroform.  She gets halfway down the hall when PAVEL catches up.  He flips her onto her back and once again presses the cloth to her lips.  ANNA fights back but is gradually overcome by the chloroform.  Her eyes roll back into her head and her arms fall to the floor.  She is unconscious.  PAVEL stands up and brushes himself off, examining his work.

PAVEL: She doesn't look so tough now, does she?

SERGEI (still holding his face): I could kill that little bitch.

PAVEL (his eyes running up and down ANNA's prostrate body): I've got other things in mind, actually.

SERGEI: Let's find her costume and get out of here.

The men storm through the apartment, opening drawers and closets, looking for A-GIRL's bodysuit and mask.  PAVEL riffles through ANNA's dresser and pulls out several pairs of lacy panties.

PAVEL: Nice.  But not what we're looking for.

He drops the panties to the floor and continues to search.  After several minutes, with no luck, the thugs look at each other and shrug.

SERGEI: They've got to be around here, man.

PAVEL: She's probably got another hideout or something.  We should leave.

Sergei moves to ANNA and picks her up into a cradle carry.  The two goons exit the apartment with their unconscious captive.  Fade to black.

SCENE FIVE: ANNA and VIKTORIA's ravaged apartment.  A-GIRL (VIKTORIA) arrives through the front door and looks around.  Clothes are strewn everywhere.  VIKTORIA calls out ANNA's name, but no one answers.  Evventually, VIKTORIA finds a rag on the floor.  She gives it a sniff and immediately brings her hand to her head.

VIKTORIA: Chloroform.  Oh no.  They must have taken her.

VIKTORIA dashes out of the apartment to look for her friend.  Fade to black.

SCENE SIX: A large unfurnished room with dark shadows.  ANNA is sitting in a wooden chair, unconscious, her head slack.  PAVEL is tying her hands behind the back of the chair while SERGEI looks on.

PAVEL standing up): Okay.  That should do it.

SERGEI: Let's wake up sleeping beauty.

SERGEI reaches over and pats ANNA on the cheek.  ANNA's eyes blink open.  She stares around and then at the men, confused.

SERGEI: Rise and shine, princess.

ANNA: Where am I?  Who are you?

PAVEL (chuckling): You're in our secret hideout, A-Girl.  Welcome.

ANNA: A-Girl?  What?  What are you talking about?

SERGEI (rolling his eyes): Oh come on.

PAVEL: Don't play dumb with us, bitch.  We've seen your face.  We know your secret identity.

ANNA: You think I'm... A-Girl?  Are you kidding me?  Why... because I have blonde hair?

SERGEI: Yes.  Because you have blonde hair.  And a cute ass.  And a great rack.  And everything else that A-Girl has.

ANNA: Let me go.  You got the wrong girl.

PAVEL (laughing): Gimme a fucking break.

SERGEI: Listen here, A-Girl.  You can't fool us.  You might have destroyed the phone, but you can't destroy my memory.  I know who you are.

ANNA (glaring): Maybe you should take off your mask, so I know who you are.  I then I can report you to the cops.

SERGEI: Fat chance, superheroine.

PAVEL: We couldn't find your costume.  But a confession will do just as well.  So...

PAVEL removes a new phone from his pocket and points it at his captive.

PAVEL: I'm going to ask this once.  Are you, Anna, the secret identity of the superheroine A-Girl?

ANNA (shaking her head): No.  I'm not!  Let me go!

SERGEI (looking at Pavel): We might have to soften her up first.

SERGEI takes out a small taser and places it firmly against ANNA's neck.  ANNA shakes, kicks, and screams as electricity courses through her body.  SERGEI removes the taser and ANNA tries to catch her breath.

SERGEI: Confess!  You're A-Girl!  Now say it!

ANNA (still shaking her head): No.  No...

SERGEI again zaps ANNA with the taser.  She convulses with pain.  Fade to black.

SCENE SEVEN: A dark alley at night.  Three FALSE FACES are casually wandering through, maybe drunk.

THUG 1: Did you guys hear?  Pavel unmasked A-Girl.

THUG 2: No shit!

THUG 1: Yeah.  He texted me earlier.  Said they got her at the hideout now.  Out of costume.

THUG 3: Like... naked?

THUG 2: Oh man.  I wouldn't mind seeing that.

THUG 1 (chuckling): Yeah man.

THUG 2: Oh man.  The things I would do to that bitch... if she was in front of me...

A-GIRL (VIKTORIA) appears in front of the trio, her hands on her hips.

A-GIRL: Hello boys.

The thugs jump back in surprise.

THUG 1: Jesus!  There she is!  But...

A-GIRL: What were you saying?  How you'd do something to me, if I was in front of you?

THUG 3: I don't understand, man.  Didn't you say...?

THUG 1: I... I don't... 

THUG 2: You sure Pavel said it was A-Girl he had unmasked?  And not... just... "a girl"?

A-GIRL: You guys seem confused.  Do you need some help with something?

THUG 1: Who the hell are you?

A-GIRL: Duh.  Isn't it obvious?

THUG 2: You're not the real A-Girl, bitch.  The real A-Girl is at the hideout.

A-GIRL (shaking her head): Oh no, boys.  You're wrong about that.  I am the real A-Girl.  Let me prove it to you.

They fight.  A-GIRL ducks and sweep kicks their feet.  The thugs fall down.  As they get up, A-GIRL is ready, taking them out with swift combos to the upper body.  Soon, the False Faces are all grounded.  A-GIRL bends down and picks THUG 1 up by the collar of his shirt.  She holds him tightly all pulls him up to his feet.

A-GIRL (Hovering her fist over him): Tell me.  Where is this other girl?  The one you thought was A-Girl?  Where are you hiding her?

THUG 1: Fuck... you...

A-GIRL moves to punch him, but before she can complete the attack, she is struck from behind.  As she crumples forward into the arms of THUG 1, we see THUG 2, breathing heavily.

THUG 2: Take that, you cocky bitch.

THUG 1 drags A-GIRL's limp body over to the side of the alley.  He places her on her butt so that she is resting against the brick wall, her head slumped on her shoulders.  He crouches in front of her, examining her face and figure.

THUG 1: This is the real A-Girl, all right.  I'd know those curves anywhere.

THUG 2: So let's see who she really is.  Take off her mask.

THUG 1 (nodding): Time for us to do what Pavel could not...

He reaches over, but just before he can grab the side of A-GIRL's mask, her hand shoots up and snatches THUG 1's wrist.

A-GIRL: I don't think so.

A-GIRL wrenches THUG 1's arm to the side and socks him in the jaw.  She springs up and quickly dispatches THUG 2.  THUG 1 tries to crawl away, but A-GIRL grabs him and places him in a headlock.

A-GIRL: Now, where were we?

THUG 1: Urrgh.  Fuck... you...

A-GIRL: Tell me where the girl is or I'll break your neck.

A-GIRL exerts pressure.  THUG 1 winces.

THUG 1: Okay!  Okay!  She's just a few blocks from here.  The hideout.  1090 Pomaroff St.  8th floor.

A-GIRL: Thanks.

A-GIRL punches him in the side of the head, dropping him to the pavement.  As she dashes away into the night, THUG 3, barely conscious, pulls his phone out and dials a number.  He places a phone to the ear.

THUG 3 (with some difficulty): Alex.  We just ran into A-Girl.  Yes.  She's coming to the hideout...

SCENE EIGHT: PAVEL and SERGEI are taking turns tasing ANNA.

PAVEL: Come on, bitch.  Confess.

ANNA: I... I won't...

SERGEI: The more you struggle, the more we're convinced you're A-Girl.

PAVEL: Yeah.  Kind of a Catch-22, isn't it?

PAVEL zaps ANNA again.  She cries out.  PAVEL seems dissatisfied and rests the taser at his side,

PAVEL: I don't think this way is working.


PAVEL (lasciviously): Perhaps there's a better way to get little Anna here to admit her secret...

SERGEI (giggling): Yes.  Yes, there might be.

The FALSE FACES move to take off Anna's clothes.  SERGEI has his hand under the struggling superheroine's T-shirt when his phone rings.  He picks it up.

SERGEI: Yes?  Alex?  What?  No.

PAVEL (stepping backward): What?  What is it?

SERGEI: I promise you, man.  I know this bitch.  This girl is A-Girl.

Screaming on the other end of the line.  PAVEL looks at SERGEI, confused.  SERGEI is getting annoyed.

SERGEI: I'm telling you, Alex.  She can't be on her way.  That's impossible.  The bitch is right here.  In front of us.  Tied up!

PAVEL: What the fuck is he saying?

SERGEI: What?  You're coming over?

PAVEL (shaking his head): Are you fucking serious?

ANNA looks up at the thugs, clearly amused by their confusion.

SERGEI:  Fine.  Okay.  You're the boss.  I get it.  See ya.

He hangs up and looks at PAVEL.  He shrugs.

SERGEI: He says he'll be over in five.

PAVEL: What?

SERGEI: Yeah.  He says the guys were attacked.  By A-Girl.


PAVEL stares at ANNA.  ANNA smiles back.

ANNA: Looks like you got the wrong girl.  Now let me go.

SERGEI: I know, I know, it's crazy.

PAVEL: Man.  Are you sure, a hundred percent, that this is her?

SERGEI: Yes, god damn it!

ANNA: You need to get your eyes checked or something.

SERGEI: Shut the fuck up!  I've had it with your smart mouth.

SERGEI picks a roll of tape up from the floor.  He rips off a long piece and presses it against ANNA's lips.

ANNA: Mmph.

SERGEI: That's better.

PAVEL: So who's on her way then?


PAVEL: Didn't I hear you say that A-Girl was on her way?  To Alex?

SERGEI: Uhh.  Shit.

The door to the room slams opens.  Into the space struts A-GIRL.  He looks at scene-- at PAVEL, SERGEI, and ANNA (who is visibly excited), and folds her arms.

A-GIRL: Nice place you got here.

PAVEL: What the fuck?

SERGEI: No.  It can't be!

A-GIRL: It is.

SERGEI: But this... I swear!  This girl... 

A-GIRL: Let her go.  Do it now, and maybe I'll go easy on you.  (She cracks her knuckles.)

PAVEL: Shit.  What do we do, man?

SERGEI: Guess we've got to capture this A-Girl and find out who the real one is.

A-GIRL (smiling): Good luck.

They fight, with ANNA looking on.  A-GIRL knocks SERGEI to the side with a roundhouse kick.  PAVEL rushes her and lock hands.  They grapple, and PAVEL is even able to muscle her down, but A-GIRL eventually kicks him in the groin.  His hands fly to his crotch and A-GIRL smacks him in the face.  SERGEI gets up and A-GIRL again kicks him down.  Both men are on the ground, seemingly unconscious.  A-GIRL bounds toward ANNA and crouches down in front of her, beginning to untie her leg bonds.

A-GIRL: You okay?


A-GIRL: Don't worry, Anna.  It's fine now.  I just got to get you out of here...

ANNA (clearly distressed): MMMMPH!  MMPH!!

A-GIRL: What?

A "shhhht" sound.  A-GIRL cries out.  Her hand reaches behind her and grabs her butt.  She pulls a small dart from her right buttock and looks at it.

A-GIRL (woozily): What the...?

A-GIRL turns around and almost misses a step.  She sees, stepping out of the shadows of the corner, a large man in a suit.  It is ALEX, and he is holding a small tranquilizer gun.

ALEX: It's hard to miss a target that big and wide.

A-GIRL: Ugh... Alex... How did you...

She stumbles forward.  ALEX begins walking toward her, the gun at his side.

ALEX: There's enough tranquilizer in you to take down an elephant, A-Girl.  So just... relax.  Come to think of it, you don't have any other choice, now.

ANNA: Mmph!

A-GIRL tries to run at ALEX, but her steps are slow, clumsy, and heavy.  She gets near him and attempts a punch that ALEX easily pushes away.  He socks A-GIRL hard in the stomach.  A-GIRL wheezes and collapses to her knees.

ALEX: Go to sleep, bitch.

ALEX backslaps her across the face and A-GIRL falls to the side.  She hits the floor.  Her eyes flutter.  She gasps for breath.  Within seconds, she is out cold.


ALEX: Thanks for the distraction, girl.  You made it easy to sneak in.

PAVEL and SERGEI are stumbling to their feet.  They eventually get up and linger over A-GIRL's unconscious body, ogling her with ALEX.

SERGEI: You were right, boss.  That's A-Girl.

ALEX: Of course I was fucking right.

PAVEL (pointing at Anna): So... what should we do with her, then?

ALEX: We'll decide after we finish off the super slut.  Come on.  Get her on the table.

He points to a long wooden table on the side of the room.  PAVEL and ALEX lift up A-GIRL by the arms and legs, carry her over to the table, and set her down gently on the surface.

ALEX: Now tie her up.

SERGEI: Umm... We're out of rope.  We used it all on her.  (He points at ANNA.)

ALEX: Are you fucking kidding me?  Well take some of hers then.

SERGEI moves over to ANNA and starts unknotting some of the rope around her wrists.  ANNA keeps on mmphing.

ALEX (glaring at PAVEL):  And you. Why don't you take off A-Girl's belt and tie her up with that?  That would be sort of hot.

PAVEL: I agree, boss.

PAVEL moves to the table.  He stands over A-GIRL's limp body and unbuckles her belt.  He then pulls it off her and walks over to the head of the table.  He uses the belt to cinch A-GIRL's gloved wrists together and then starts tying the other end of the belt to the bottom of the table.  SERGEI has joined him now and is using the rope from ANNA's hands to bind A-GIRL's boots.  ALEX walks over to the table to inspect their work.

ALEX: Excellent.


ALEX: Does she ever shut up?

SERGEI: No sir.  Best to just ignore her.

(They do that.  Meanwhile, ANNA is gradually untying the knots on her wrists.)

ALEX: Okay.  Get your phones ready.  We're going to do this right, this time.

PAVEL: Yes sir.

ALEX: I'm going to wake her up and unmask her.  And then I'm going to kill her.  But I want a permanent record.  Don't fuck this up.

PAVEL: No sir.

ALEX puts his hands of A-GIRL's torso and begins to shake her.

ALEX: Alright, bitch!  Nap time is over!

A-GIRL's eyes flutter open.  Her situation dawns on her, and she tries to struggle free.  PAVEL and SERGEI have done good work though and she's tied tight.

A-GIRL: Ugh.  You'll never get away with this.

ALEX (laughing): You're in no position to threaten me, A-Girl.  Even if you weren't securely tied, you're still too weak from the tranquilizer to lift a hand against me.  Face it.  It's over.

A-GIRL struggles against her bonds, prompting the three FALSE FACES to laugh out loud.

ALEX: You guys recording this?

SERGEI: Yeah, boss.

ALEX: I'm going to miss watching you squirm, A-Girl.  You were so high and mighty when you came in here.  And now you're bound with your own belt.  Such a sad conclusion.

A-GIRL: I swear.  You will all pay for this.

ALEX: Still talking tough, huh?  I think it's time we put an end to that.

ALEX reaches across A-GIRL's body.  A-GIRL whimpers and twists her head wildly but ALEX soon has in under control.  He pinches the side of her black mask and tugs it off her face.


ALEX: Such a beautiful face.  It's almost a shame I have to kill you.

He strokes her cheek as A-GIRL grits her teeth.  ALEX crumples up the black mask and tosses it to the ground.

SERGEI (to himself): I swear... That is not the same girl as before...

ALEX: Any last words?

ANNA: Yeah.  Fuck off.

ANNA has freed herself and is standing behind the FALSE FACES.  They turn around in unison and ANNA knocks them all back with a kick.  She jumps on ALEX, hits him several times, and wrests the tranquilizer gun from his hand.  She fires three shots into the three thugs, who immediately fall into unconsciousness.

A-GIRL: Anna!  You did it

ANNA: No, Viktoria.  We did it.

ANNA runs over to the table and quickly undoes the ropes and uncinches A-GIRL's belt.  A-GIRL sits up and holds her wrists.

ANNA: They've seen both of A-Girl's faces, though.

A-GIRL: I know.

A-GIRL wraps the belt back around her waist and buckles it.

ANNA: We can't let them live.

A-GIRL: I know.

They look solemnly at each other.  ANNA smiles.

ANNA: Good thing they're just gangsters, right?

A-GIRL smiles.  The two girls high five.



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