
Showing posts from September, 2017

Liberty Girl: Meet the Press (Part One)

Early in her superheroine career, long before her tussle with the Equalizer and looking for some good P.R., Liberty Girl agreed to an interview with a local journalist.  Or someone she thought was a local journalist, anyway... The story is told from the POV of The Journalist (TJ).  We join him in a small warehouse room, sparsely furnished.  There is a wooden chair before him, and a door behind the chair.  The door opens.  LIBERTY GIRL (LG) walks in. TJ: Liberty Girl! You made it! LG: Hi there! And you know that I always keep my promises! TJ: (chuckles) I guess you do!  Please, please, have a seat!  We’ll get started right away.  I know you have a very busy schedule, especially this time of year. LG: ( she takes a seat, brushing her hair aside ) Oh yeah.  You bet. Liberty Girl gets settled.  She glances around the room. LG: Pretty interesting place to conduct an interview. TJ: Well, you know.  I wanted to keep it discreet.  I know how you superheroines

Liberty Girl: The Equalizer (Episode Seven)

Weeks have passed, and still Liberty Girl is a prisoner of the Equalizer.  Her effort to convince the superheroine American Babe to help her ended with both girls unconscious.  With her resolve crumbling and her body beaten and bruised, will our heroine ever be able to escape her evil captors?  Or will "Liberty Girl Loses" be an internet sensation until the end of her days? Scene One: Liberty Girl sits silently in her cell, chained up in the usual way. LG (internal monologue): There's just... No way out.  They've won.  They've beaten me.  I can't... No, Liberty Girl.  Stop.  You're not done yet.  There's still time.  They'll make a mistake.  You just have to... Do something... Even though you're tired... And weak... And powerless... MM (via intercom): You awake in there, Liberty Girl? LG: What do you want? MM: I just wanted to read some stats to you, and let you know how the business is doing. LG: I don't care. MM: Listen